Aha! Is this thing on? Hello? Can you hear me?
Excellent. As you can see, we’re back! Mojo 9 fell apart, and died a rather spectacular death... but the spirit of the site continued on, and reformed itself into something new. It’s a little more basic for now, but we hope you’ll agree that we have the potential to be bigger and better than ever before.
The re-forging of the site is thanks to many people who offered assistance in our forums and our IRC channel, but it is mainly due to two people: Queztone and Zaarin.
Queztone gave us the design. We had a few simple requirements for this task: it should be modern yet retro, sexy yet celibate, light but dark, and big, like a planet, but at the same time as small as an atom. And maybe it should be a bit purple as well.
Initially we embarked on a long and treacherous journey into the past to round up the best designers and artists in history. We got Pablo Picasso to create a new logo and Christopher Wren to do the layout. Unfortunately, the design was rubbish, and couldn’t be used.
Luckily, once we returned to the present, we met Queztone, and tricked him into helping us out. The result lies before you. We hope you like it as much as we do, and we thank Queztone very much for all his hard work.
Zaarin has supplied us with the code. For this we also had a simple requirement: it should be so strongly built that it could withstand a nuclear attack. Not only has Zaarin done this, giving us a new, hugely stable coded site, but he has also added many clever extra features, and opened up new possibilities for the future. He has, furthermore, worked tirelessly on the project, even when other people had given up on it.
I should also say at this point that the code of the previous site was also excellently constructed (by the legendary DJG, and others), and Mojo X would not exist without everything that had come before it.
We will, of course, add the features and games database back as soon as we can – and a new section, media. There will be a period of regrowth whilst these sections are formed again, but in the mean time there is news, and the forums, and the excellent community that is what makes this site what it is.
Speaking of which, if you signed up on our previous site, you are signed up with this site as well: you will be able to just log in. If you have not had an account before, register now, and receive a free gift in the form of an avatar.
You can read more about the development of this version of the site on our forums.