The main news story that occurred during our downtime was the surprise announcement that the first episode of Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse, The Penal Zone, is now available for the Apple iPad! No lie! Apparently, Telltale suddenly found themselves with the opportunity to be among the device's initial apps and couldn't pass it up. Good on 'em for expanding to yet another platform, a platform which by all accounts is a good fit for what Telltale does. The episode is available for $9.99 from the Apple store, in case you haven't figured that out. The PC/Mac and PS3 premiere remains April 15th.
In related Telltale news, a new interview with Dan Connors about his studio's unexpected iPad launch has stirred up a bit of forum chatter, mainly on the basis of the following quote:
Frankly, and from a risk-taking standpoint, we would like to get people used to the idea that we might release a pilot of something and then if it takes, we'll green-light a season. I think that model would allow for us to take more chances and innovate more. We're still trying to figure out exactly how that could play out.
Sounds like a good way for Telltale to try out some crazier game ideas; at least if they fail, players will have known about the possibility upfront rather than getting another Bone scenario. Your thoughts?
Update: Dan Connors vs. Randy Breen!
Source: Telltale Games
Suck it, Randy! Actually no, we love you. You're the reason Telltale exist.
Also, on the topic of RSS feed items, it looks really dumb because you're using the same one-line summaries for the articles posted on Facebook (what you're doing with Twitter makes sense, though), and so your Facebook Page looks really dumb because it's full of articles which are one line long and you have to search for a tiny link at the bottom to get to the actual article.
The full news post item will now be includd in the RSS feed in the <content:encoded> tags so as long as your reader supports that, you should see the whole posts.
Hey, can I put in a request for Mojo RSS feed items to going back to having full articles embedded in them? One-line summaries are annoying from a feed-reader perspective.
I wish I could still respond to a specific users comments. WAY TO KILL THE SITE MOJO!!!!!!!!
Fortunately, you CAN properly quote people now!
I wish I could still respond to a specific users comments. WAY TO KILL THE SITE MOJO!!!!!!!!
Nah, not that big of a deal, but I do want to say I agree, I buy all my Cadbury eggs starting today and tomorrow for like 10 for a dollar, mmmm.....
I think it's cool that they are expanding to new platforms, but iPad is definitely not my platform of choice, no way I am getting one. Already got it pre-ordered on Steam.
Nah, not that big of a deal, but I do want to say I agree, I buy all my Cadbury eggs starting today and tomorrow for like 10 for a dollar, mmmm.....