
Pfft, I've played more complicated games of Tetris 20 Apr, 2010 / 2 comments

You may have already noticed this if you're a regular of our forums (as you should be) or astutely follow The SCUMM Bar's twitter feed (they have a twitter feed?), but a few days ago a reader named joepinion posted a thread where he shares a flowchart he made for all of the puzzles in The Secret of Monkey Island, encapsulating the entire game in diagram tree form - just like the real game designers do! Lookit.

Source: Mojo Forums



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    BillieJoe86 on 21 Apr, 2010, 21:05…
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    Sp0tted on 21 Apr, 2010, 19:20…
    Someone has WAY too much free time on his/her (pfft, yeah right, like it was a girl), hands.

    Still, this is pretty awesome.

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