
Brendan Q. Ferguson's tales all told? 26 Apr, 2010 / 7 comments

Telltale designer Brendan Ferguson is now conspicuously absent from the web site's Team page, suggesting that he has recently moved on from the company. One of the first (if not the first) employees of Telltale, first seen alongside the company's founders when Telltale first appeared publicly in April 2004, Ferguson was previously an employee of LucasArts, having been one of the designers and writers on the still somewhat fabled Sam & Max: Freelance Police.

Known for penning some humorous blog posts in the company's earliest days, Ferguson's contributions at Telltale over the last six years seem to have been primarily Sam & Max related, with him serving as the co-designer of Save the World with the legendary Dave Grossman, and again on Beyond Time and Space with Chuck Jordan. His work on The Devil's Playhouse will be predominately found in upcoming episodes.

Source: Telltale's team page



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    koosjebig on 27 Apr, 2010, 11:07…
    And what about founding member Troy Molander?
    He started it with Dan Connors and Kevin Bruner, but what happened to him?
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    Diduz on 27 Apr, 2010, 09:16…


    Question: who is John Drake?

    Former LucasArts (e.g. Curse) and Telltale tester. He did a little machinima for Season One, now he's served as lead-designer on CSI : Deadly Intent.
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    Kroms on 27 Apr, 2010, 08:10…
    Question: who is John Drake?
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    jp-30 on 27 Apr, 2010, 07:58…
    Brendan's amazing blogs back in the early days of TTG were wonderful.

    One can only hope Deathspank has inspired Hothead (or a rival) to pick-up The Blades of Stenchtar II: Escape from Stenchtar Mountain, and BQF has left to take up project lead.
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    Diduz on 27 Apr, 2010, 07:28…
    Oh, too bad. I had just cheked his name on the team page some days ago and it was still there (I think). He was one of the main creative minds behind the first two Sam & Max Seasons (which I still consider the best Telltale endeavours to date).
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    Kroms on 27 Apr, 2010, 04:21…
    Bye, Brendan, and good luck in all your future endeavors! Sam and Max was pretty effing great.

    ;) Apart from the Poppers, I mean.
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    Capn_Nacho on 27 Apr, 2010, 03:23…
    A real shame, he'll be missed in the future. I'm glad he was able to touch The Devil's Playhouse before heading out, though.

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