
It was a fight to the end, but you have spoken, and we now know the games the majority of you like! Some predictable results, some surprising ones, and… Well, go read for yourself!

The whole list will be published in a later article, and yes, we will do a poll with proper scoring, too. Your whining was heard. ;


Oh, we might give Telltale some goodnatured ribbing now and again, but really, we consider them a BFF.

However! As far as non-linear gaming where choices have consequences, we feel there are those who take that concept to a whole different level. During a particularly tense seminar, the Mojo Editorial Board™ voted that two games should be presented as what we consider proof of said statement: Life Is Strange and Until Dawn.

So here they are, and now you should run and read our take on them, as well as what differentiates them from Telltale.


Remember 2003? I don't either, but apparently, over at the ol' SCUMM Bar I wrote an article on the Monkey Island 2 demo during that August. I also remember we made huge claims about moving our content over here in 2006, and yada yada yada: Here you go: Hacking the Monkey Island 2 Demo is now on Mojo!

How can you find undiscovered dialogue and music? We‘ll tell you how, and you do not even have to do it yourself; just read all about it! Yes, we wasted time writing this so go read it!


Was I too hard on Firewatch? Does the world we live in make me think differently about things? What's up with that hateful dude on YouTube?

A lot of questions! And I thought about them, and I started rambling. As one would. Here are my thoughts about it all; read them if you want. Or don't. Or do! Here they are, at any rate.


When this latest (and hopefully soon to be obsolete) version of Mojo debuted in 2010 (I think), I was pretty cheesed off by the dinky font size. Seriously, what other site has fonts that obnoxiously small? Dumb ones, that's what.

And so I whined. I bellyached. And it fell on deaf ears, of course, but that was OK. I was playing a long game. I knew that, over time, the cumulative effect of my whining would be corrosive to Remi's whisper-thin will. And so I persisted, mostly in passive-aggressive ways, to register my righteous complaint in his direction. The day would eventually come, I reasoned, when Remi would be prevailed upon to bump up the font size.

Right on schedule, over seven years later, we've achieved this milestone, and now the sacred text of Mojo can be read without an electron microscope.

You're welcome, fans.


That's right. 20. Twenty. That is either awesome or depressing depending on your point of view; quite probably both. And what better way to celebrate/mourn than to kick it off with The Most Liked Game Ever Poll?

This is a bit different than your typical favorite game survey. Here you get a curated list of games we cover, and you have three options for each one: like, dislike, or indifferent/haven't played. The goal is to find what games most of our three readers like. And dislike, because we're all about being as surly as we are expected to be.

So head over and vote! No Mojo account required, because that is how we roll now. Be part of history and decide what Mojo's most liked game is!

NB! No history will be written. But vote anyway.


I mean, give us a break, we can‘t update when there‘s nothing to update about. But, for your pleasure:

If you haven‘t played the first season of The Walking Dead, then what the hell is wrong with you? Don‘t worry, though, Humble Bundle is here for you, and you can get the whole effin' season for Mac and Window right now!

And, if you want to play the first game in Batman: The Tellta… siiiigh for free on iOS, you now can. It‘s worth it as far as a free game goes I guess, but compared to the second season, it really is dour. Run to the App Store for some depressing fun.

Sidenote: Do anyone other than me update this site? Jason?!


We're only two-ish years late on this one, but that doesn't mean we're not presenting you with what could be News For You:

Back in 2015 Game Informer ran an article called "Fall Of The Empire: How Inner Turmoil Brought Down LucasArts", chronicling the dark days of Jim Ward, the last glimmering hope with Darrell Rodriguez, to Paul Meegan bringing the axe in allowing the last two co-CEOs (neither of whom I can remember ever having heard the names of) to deliver the final cut.

A whole lot of steaming gore can be found within the article, including details on the cancelled Indy game, George Lucas's penchant for coming up with horrible character names, and who could forget about Fracture? There are preciously few mentions of the games we might be more interested in, but don't be a whiner; be grateful for what you get.

(I still think 1313 sounded fun, despite the ridiculous LucasArts's first ADULT game marketing pitch. (To this day it sounds more like a Star Wars porn simulator.))

Thanks to our very own Jason for bringing this article to our attention, and even further thanks for him graciously allowing me to post it! ¬


Yeah, I had expected to turn the snark factor to 11 here, but… The first episode of The Enemy Within is actually good. Very good. I like it. Don’t read this, though; go read the review instead. Then question everything in your life, just like I’m doing right now.




We‘ll review it if TTG graces us with a review code; always a gamble.

This looks incredibly dour, and only really inspires me to fire up the Arkham trilogy again. Maybe even the tetralogy. But who knows, with some luck, some heart and humor will make their way into the game.

Batman: The Enemy Within will touch down on August 8th.


When we‘re not busy making foam art in our lattes, we throw some vinyl on the ol' turntable, and hip it up, just like the “kids” do. Or something like that.

Incidentally, Broken Age‘s soundtrack is available in 12", and thus we decided to give it a listen and a look. Read on and feel appropriately “with it”.


Nowadays, you can find music from LucasArts games all over the Internet, but back in the 1990s, there was nothing. That is, until 3 May, 1998, when Highland Productions launched. As any self-respecting LucasArts fansite of the day, it was of course hosted by good old Mojo. Highland, along with our other hosted sites, has been absent for a while, but we're now happy to announce that it has returned! And with HTTPS support!

Listen to some good MIDI tunes (and some MP3s)! Marvel at the wonders of late 1990s web design! Read a news page that hasn't been updated since 2001! All that, and more, over at Highland Productions!


Hey there! Remember us? We’re still alive, we just find it a lot easier to post to Twitter, because, you know… Never more than 140 characters.

So! Here is a recap of what we have posted there over the last few days.

What would an HD version of Curse of Monkey Island look like? Now you know, thanks to this Tweet from Šarūnas Ledas. (And yes, I did re-tweet it saying somebody should post this on Mojo. Turned out that somebody would be me.)

Zaarin has promised hosted websites (may begin) to reappear this week. Why would you not trust Zaarin? Surely he is not so hateful he wouldn’t make this happen?

Spaff, still working undercover at Double Fine, points us to a Limited Run copy of Broken Age on PS4. You’ll see it, all 4,500 copies worth, in a week. You know, if you’re a completionist type of a person.

Then we canceled the Pari… Wait, no, that was some other Twitter user. :(


Zaarin downright promised he world do it. Then he promised to fix our admin section so we could have a header image for the review.

But what the hell, we just went ahead and reviewed it all the same.

Read! And give Zaarin a ¬¬ look.

Update! Zaarin fixed it, so you can stop shaming him. :D


I mean, what the hell, right on the minute of the embargo being lifted too. This could make us the first site in the world to publish a Thimbleweed Park review.

And it is about as spoiler-free as it can get, with the only concrete examples coming from the two first hours of the game. We -- and I speak for all of Mojo, because nobody's editing this -- like Thimbleweed Park. A lot. And you probably will too, even though/particularly because the game is of an acquired taste.

Read! Agree? Disagree? Voice your opinions in the comments, all six of you.

And look for more Thimbleweed Park content coming soon, because we're gonna milk this cow 'til it's dry.


SCUMM Revisited, AFL2PCX, SCUMM Costume Viewer… If you know what those are, you know what they are, and if you don’t, well… Benzo’s The Vault will help you find out.

For those in the former group, look… We will get hosted * sites back up again, but there are also other important things to do, too. Like watching TV. So for now, if you are interested in hacking old LEC games, The Vault will have you covered.

Even EMI Song Ripper—largely considered the sexiest software ever written—is there!


Because, really, the Double Fine email was a pretty long read, so let’s give you a few highlights:

First, Psychonauts 2 will be published by Starbreeze, which I didn’t even know was a publisher. They did develop the rather excellent Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, so hey, how bad can it be?

There are a couple of videos: A throwaway prototype (as we call it in the biz) for what will be a new hub has been released on YouTube


And who doesn’t want to see our founder and patron saint, James "Spaff" Spafford, on the way to presumably be offed in the woods, while buddying it up with Schafer, talking games?


Topic of conversation: Does Spaff look exactly like he did fifteen odd years ago? (I mean, a few lbs aside.)


We're now a week into 2017, which means it's the perfect time for a new poll. We couldn't just put one up on the first day of the new year. That's just not The Mojo Way™.

There's a lot of goodness coming out this year, from just about every company that this site covers. So go to the poll on the right and let us know which one has you excited the most.


From Telltale to Trump to ATM… It was a year! And thus we review it.



You remember Benzo from such software as Quick and Easy, but that was back then. Now he has joined the ranks of Jake and other former Mojo drones by releasing a game of his own: a remake of the Amiga classic Atoms.

Currently only available for Android, you can run and download the game, and then cuss yourself for not having done more with your life.

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