
Firewatch: Revisited, pondered; Gamergate and PewLePepe contemplated 17 Sep, 2017 / 8 comments

Was I too hard on Firewatch? Does the world we live in make me think differently about things? What's up with that hateful dude on YouTube?

A lot of questions! And I thought about them, and I started rambling. As one would. Here are my thoughts about it all; read them if you want. Or don't. Or do! Here they are, at any rate.



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    Jennifer on 18 Sep, 2017, 20:44…
    It's super brave of Campo Santo to take on this, knowing the vitriol that would come of it. They previously had the ire of Gamergate for simply thanking Anita Sarkeesian in the credits of Firewatch.

    And I agree whole-heartedly with this article. There's been a running conversation about this at the Double Fine forums, and my thoughts there pretty much mirrors what's said in this article. Campo Santo was well within their rights to use the DMCA to take down the Lets Play, since they own the video of the gameplay.

    It makes me a little upset honestly when people say that PewDiePie isn't a racist or try to call his comments a joke. The word came way too easily out of his mouth in this latest controversy, and it is a word that a non-racist person wouldn't even have in their vocabulary. And the anti-Jewish skits he made in the videos that caused Disney and Google to cancel his shows aren't satire, they were just made for the shock value. Which is definitely anti-semetic.

    Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from people being against that speech. Companies like Disney, Google and Campo Santo are well within their rights to restrict people from using their products to make money when they feel that that speech shouldn't be associated with their brand.
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    Call me Squinky on 17 Sep, 2017, 23:00…
    On the topic of Gamergate - video games becoming politicized - especially in such a vitriolic manner - I really don't understand. It's kind of like the voting for Hugo Awards becoming politicized - just really bizarre. As far as I'm concerned, the more diverse games are in terms of what they try to achieve, the better - I don't understand backlash against female devs trying to do different types of games or whatever. It's kind of like film - why would you want to limit the potential of the medium? And then try to turn that into a divisive argument? I agree that the less you try to learn about this whole inane debate the better. Kind of like reading random comment sections on various sites that descend into hateful arguments - better to avoid (I don't mean on this site obviously xD).
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    Remi on 17 Sep, 2017, 21:48…


    Cannot tell you how pleased I am to be completely oblivious to the various gamer-related dramas. I'm still not sure what "GamerGate" is/was, and I feel like I owe it to my mental health not to find out.

    Not something I'll say often, but you are probably completely doing the right thing here.
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    Jason on 17 Sep, 2017, 21:39…
    Cannot tell you how pleased I am to be completely oblivious to the various gamer-related dramas. I'm still not sure what "GamerGate" is/was, and I feel like I owe it to my mental health not to find out.
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    Jason on 17 Sep, 2017, 21:39…
    Double post.
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    Remi on 17 Sep, 2017, 20:32…


    One thing in your article I don't agree with: the comment about how we should pity Poopiedoo or whatever his name is, and that it's a mental health issue. I know that statement was tongue in cheek, but I see no reason to pity him or to blame it on mental health. Plenty of people out there with mental health problems who don't suddenly turn into racist assholes. Some people are just idiots who should know better. I consider Porcupine to be one of those idiots. He's capable of knowing better, he just doesn't care - only to the extent that it might affect his sponsors.

    First, thanks! But I wouldn't say this is entirely tongue in cheek -- I really do think he has some minor psychological issues, like most of us do, though for most of us it wouldn't come out like this. When you reach a certain age you should be able to recognize your issues yourself. I mean, you're close to 30. You don't have a severe disability. Recognize that what you're doing is not normal and that it's offensive in a non-satirical fashion.

    But whatever. I'm sure the one opinion that'll change his mind is Mojo's. ;
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    bgbennyboy on 17 Sep, 2017, 20:27…
    I understand why they chose to speak out and it was a brave thing to do. They surely knew what the backlash would be like. I admire the way they stood up and waded into the inevitable shitstorm.

    My first thought on reading about it was 'good for them, but its going to cause them problems'. Sure enough there's a load of negative steam reviews appeared and you can pretty much guarantee review trolls will pop up again when they release their next game.
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    AlfredJ on 17 Sep, 2017, 20:24…
    Wow, Mojo is on fire with the updates lately. I love it.

    On the article: I agree with you, and Campo Santo was in the right. At a guess, I would say most people following Mojo would think the same, but maybe I am naive (I hope/think not!).

    One thing in your article I don't agree with: the comment about how we should pity Poopiedoo or whatever his name is, and that it's a mental health issue. I know that statement was tongue in cheek, but I see no reason to pity him or to blame it on mental health. Plenty of people out there with mental health problems who don't suddenly turn into racist assholes. Some people are just idiots who should know better. I consider Porcupine to be one of those idiots. He's capable of knowing better, he just doesn't care - only to the extent that it might affect his sponsors.

    Apart from that, 100% agreed! Also, Firewarch is indeed a very good experience and clearly lovingly crafted. I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys an engrossing, relaxing story experience.

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