
A teachable moment 13 Sep, 2017 / 10 comments

When this latest (and hopefully soon to be obsolete) version of Mojo debuted in 2010 (I think), I was pretty cheesed off by the dinky font size. Seriously, what other site has fonts that obnoxiously small? Dumb ones, that's what.

And so I whined. I bellyached. And it fell on deaf ears, of course, but that was OK. I was playing a long game. I knew that, over time, the cumulative effect of my whining would be corrosive to Remi's whisper-thin will. And so I persisted, mostly in passive-aggressive ways, to register my righteous complaint in his direction. The day would eventually come, I reasoned, when Remi would be prevailed upon to bump up the font size.

Right on schedule, over seven years later, we've achieved this milestone, and now the sacred text of Mojo can be read without an electron microscope.

You're welcome, fans.



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    Call me Squinky on 19 Sep, 2017, 18:18…
    It's funny because for a while there when I accessed the site the font size hadn't changed, so I was wondering what this post was about. But today suddenly the font is way bigger. This might take some getting used to lol
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 15 Sep, 2017, 11:34…
    Aaaghhhh... Everything's so big! *cowers in the corner*
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    AlfredJ on 14 Sep, 2017, 18:50…



    I'm still waiting on the second episode of the Campfire podcast. That thing on the right has been taunting me for 4 years now.

    Well, SOMEBODY might be in for a surprise. ;

    Oh man. I should shamelessly demand things more often.
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    Laserschwert on 14 Sep, 2017, 13:33…
    Damn, I was hoping the threads would still be archived somewhere.
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    Zaarin on 14 Sep, 2017, 06:56…
    The forums are gone, alas. Unless LFNetwork decides to resurrect them. Should we put up new forums? I have a feeling we'll get about 2 posts every month. ;
    We should probably just direct people to the Idle Thumbs forums.
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    Laserschwert on 14 Sep, 2017, 06:39…
    Now bring back the gorram forum!
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    manny_c44 on 14 Sep, 2017, 04:28…
    I didn't notice!
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    Remi on 14 Sep, 2017, 02:53…


    I'm still waiting on the second episode of the Campfire podcast. That thing on the right has been taunting me for 4 years now.

    Well, SOMEBODY might be in for a surprise. ;
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    AlfredJ on 13 Sep, 2017, 23:21…
    I'm still waiting on the second episode of the Campfire podcast. That thing on the right has been taunting me for 4 years now.

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    Remi on 13 Sep, 2017, 22:25…
    For the record, I had nothing to do with this design, good or bad.

    That aside, here is Mojo Fact from Jason, posted 16 Jan, 2015: " Mojo's average font size is literally the worse thing ever."

    The man has suffered.

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