
Fan art still has a special place in our hearts and eyes 15 Nov, 2017 / 3 comments

Remember fan art? Mojo might not have been all about it back in the days, but The SCUMM Bar sure was. Presently I suppose most Mojo/Monkey Island-based artists are too old mature to make much LEC-based fan art, or, as it turned out, that was what I thought.

Should you follow us on Twitter -- and why the hell aren't you -- you'd know we're all about fan art lately, thanks to our friends at The Art of Videogame. We'll give you three examples:

What the hell, right? Artist, and URL to full-size images are:

@mr_werewolf_art with full image here.

@zacgormania with full image here.

Scorbut Man with full image here.

My numerous attempts to get Dan Lee to make a comeback was met with laughter from the man, but let's all remember what the man did, during the hosted site glory days.



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    shuv-oohl on 18 Nov, 2017, 07:05…
    I'm enraged!
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    Melancholick on 17 Nov, 2017, 23:26…
    MC900 Foot LeChuck!

    But damn, these are really beautiful.
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    Call me Squinky on 15 Nov, 2017, 23:15…
    These are all really great. I've got the one with Guybrush, Elaine and Lechuck as my desktop background right now and am planning to alternate with the others. Great work by the artists! :D

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