Remember fan art? Mojo might not have been all about it back in the days, but The SCUMM Bar sure was. Presently I suppose most Mojo/Monkey Island-based artists are too old mature to make much LEC-based fan art, or, as it turned out, that was what I thought.
Should you follow us on Twitter -- and why the hell aren't you -- you'd know we're all about fan art lately, thanks to our friends at The Art of Videogame. We'll give you three examples:
What the hell, right? Artist, and URL to full-size images are:
@mr_werewolf_art with full image here.
@zacgormania with full image here.
Scorbut Man with full image here.
My numerous attempts to get Dan Lee to make a comeback was met with laughter from the man, but let's all remember what the man did, during the hosted site glory days.
But damn, these are really beautiful.