
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition has a nice 50% price cut this weekend, in celebration of Talk Like a Pirate Day. Not sure what kind of cheap bastard you'd have to be to not be able to shell out $10, but I'm pretty sure it's not far from the kind that doesn't offer to pay for his date - if he has any. Because you don't. HA. Loser. Go cry into your Grog XD, you cheapskate.

Update: Get the same from Direct2Drive (thanks Bombadil!).

Update 2: Yeah, so this really is a bargain day for anyone with a penchant for free entertainment. The Launch of the Screaming Narwhal is free, but for one day only.

Telltale, eh? Gotta love those guys. (Thanks, Jake, for the heads-up!)

Update 3: Yeesh. Don't know how this one went under the radar but apparently the iPhone version of SMI has a discount today as well. Thanks, CaliMonk.

Source: Facebook


Steam now has a LucasArts adventure bundle.

$9.99 gets you Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade, Fate of Atlantis, Loom and The Dig (Or £6.99 in "other money").

Source: Steam


This Lucidity gameplay video is actually very impressive. It seems like LucasArts is finally making a total comeback, what with Monkey Island and now this.

I'm interested, fellas. Tell me more.

(Apologies to reader jannar85; they'd posted about the video in the comments a few posts down, but I hadn't seen it. Sorry!)

Source: Random Google searching


Well, it's official -- LucasArts has announced a new original title that potentially looks pretty awesome.

From the little we've seen, it looks a bit like Braid, meaning that it's a puzzle/platformer with a very interesting art style. The control system, which involves guiding the main character by placing objects in her path, actually sounds vaguely Lemmings-y.

Lucidity will be released for the XBLA and PC later this month. There should be a bit more info in this video.

Tingler's OTHER STUFF:
  • Lucidity is definitely coming to PC despite what GameTrailers suggest, as LucasArts say in their press release. They also reveal that the release date is slightly later than Darrell Rodriguez says - October 7th.
  • The Jedi Knight series is coming to Steam next week. Whether this is all four games including Dark Forces, or just one of the games, is unknown.
  • Mr Rodriguez strongly hints that he's working with the likes of Tim Schafer and Ron Gilbert to create new games. Whether he's blowing smoke in our eyes is another matter.
  • Still only marginally connected with Mojo but worth one news snippet - the presumed-dead Penny Arcade Adventures Episode 3 is still alive, and may be a little different.
  • Source: Gametrailers


    Despite the game not being out yet, an achievements page for LEC's totally still secret Lucidity is quite existent online. Apart from giving the heavy indication that the game's release on XBLA is more than imminent, the achievement descriptions reveal new aspects about the game, sort of. Apparently butterfly collecting is a big deal, there are bonus levels, and the game's story is comprised of three acts. What's the point of even playing it now.

    Stay tuned for LEC's official announcement of the game later this week.

    LucasArts are all set to reveal their new game on GameTrailers TV this Thursday, according to presenter Geoff Keighley's Twitter. But then we already knew this anyway.

    We're still assuming it's Lucidity, especially given all their recent teasing. It will be good to find out what this interesting-sounding game will actually be about at last.

    Let's just hope it's not that Clone Wars MMO everyone cared so little about no one commented on poor jp-30's news post.

    UPDATE 1: Hmm, the plot is thickening into a strange curdling. GameTrailers have released their promo for the show, and I don't know if they're just throwing us a red herring but those blurred pictures used for the "secret announcement" are clearly Monkey Island concept art...

    Oh, they'll also have some stuff on their other upcoming games too: Lego Indy II, The Force Unleashed Sith Edition & Clone Wars: Republic Heroes.

    Source: GameTrailers


    Strange goings on and a new LucasArts blog! AlfredJ tips us off again in the Mojo comments.
    All right, this is the last time this week I'll be tipping you guys off. But this post just appeared on Lucasart's potentially awesome new blog called the Lucas Workshop. It's a picture of some guys at PAX, but there's this girl with a puzzle piece in the picture (Lucidity?). I found out that if you change the url of the picture from 1.jpg to 2.jpg, 3.jpg and 4.jpg, you can get four different pictures and four different puzzle pieces. When you put the puzzle pieces together, you get what I assume to be a screenshot of Lucidity. Looks pretty interesting. Looks totally unlike anything Lucas has done for the past few years.

    Check it out:

    There's other stuff on the blog too, like a bit about Loom.
    Nice work Alfred, you win this week's coveted Mojo Assist Award!

    Update: Much like those two famous mathematicians independently and simultaneously inventing calculus, Mojo Forumer spiralout also made the same discovery. Guess you two can share the Mojo Assist Award, three and a half days on the mantlepiece each.

    Update 2: Reader fajerkaos has been nice enough to piece the four clues together, creating this lovely screenshot; AlfredJ found the seperate screens.

    Source: LucasArts workshop


    Not enough people playing Galaxies anymore, and not gonna tap enough customers with The Old Republic MMO?

    Well, why not make a more 'casual' MMO set in the Clone Wars then to cater for those folks!?

    That's the rumour doing the rounds as to LucasArts and Sony Online's new collaboration anyway, one that seems to be gathering momentum at PAX.

    If you're interested you can read more here at 1Up.

    Source: 1Up


    If you missed the headline above, it reads Knights of the Old Republic* is now on steam.


    If anyone is unfamiliar with the game, it's one of the last true Star Wars classic videogames published by LucasArts. It was developed by Bioware and released back in 2003 to near universal critical acclaim. It's well worth the $10 if you've never picked it up before now.

    * Albeit in its acronym form.

    Source: Steam


    Great news for you people that play games on Macs (all three of you!), clone2727, of Mojo comments fame, unearthed an article from PCWorld which announces that Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is heading to Macs this fall courtesy of Aspyr Media.

    Source: PCWorld


    OK, this is part of the 1Up Deathspank week (see a nearby news post), but it utterly deserves its own separate news entry.

    A year and a half or so back, 1Up assembled a bunch of legendary LucasArts alumni to discuss their memories of their time at LucasArts. It's almost 1/2 an hour of bliss and is what Mixnmojo is built on. And it's finally come to light. Better late than never.

    Ron Gilbert, Dave Grossman, Bill Tiller, Mike Levine, Larry Ahern, Noah Falstein and Tony Hsieh. In one room. Talking about the old days.

    It's staggeringly good, enjoy.

    Source: 1Up




    Update: Someone in Argentina has figured it out. According to Ignatius on the Telltale forums, a humor TV show figured out what happened and cut together the original broadcast with clips from Monkey 1. Plus, they found footage of a nutritionist claiming "SCUMM" is an alcohol delivery service. You learn something every day!

    Update: What the?

    Source: Telltale Games Forum


    Over at G4, you can watch a five minute video of a LucasArts employee named Matt Shell showing off footage of Lego Indiana Jones II: The Adventure Continues at GamesCom 2009. The game's co-op, a Crystal Skull level, and the much touted level builder are all shown off, so check it out.

    LucasArts has gotten really good at that forgotten artform - the holdout. Their newest tease: "Got a back-catalog announcement on Monday. It's not X-Wing! I'm heading THAT rumor off at the pass!".

    Interesting. Let's see which of the "heritage titles" will soon make their way to a new generation of gamers such as myself, and shine a light on their dark and lonely world.

    Update: And it's Super Star Wars (original trilogy) heading to your Wii via Virtual Console! Anyone play these games? Never heard of them before; satisfy my curiosity. There's also this "Check Mii Out" channel, where you get to submit Mii versions of Star Wars characters; and the "Everybody Votes" channel, where you can stick it to the man and prove that you know it, we all know it: Han shot first.

    JP Update: Super Star Wars is out TODAY on Wi Virtual Console (North America).

    JP Update 2: Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back has now been released on Wii's Virtual Console service in North America. Still no word on when these LucasArts games will hit PAL territories.

    LucasArts will be revealing their new IP on September 10th on an interview with Darrell Rodriguez by GameTrailers, according to LucasArts' helpful Twitter page.

    “Our Prez just Finished an interview w/ @Gametrailers. Discussed new internal LucasArts IP. Tune in Sept 10 to hear whats up!”
    This may be Lucidity, which is fine by us as it's looking very interesting already. We'll see - but as it's new, presumably it won't be Star Wars, Indy, Loom or any other existing licence.

    Source: Twitter


    Congress 2010
    As a successful business leader, Jim has applied his vision, passion and straightforward approach contributing to the success of companies like Apple, Microsoft, Nike and Luscasfilm.
    Luscasfilm, eh?




    Blink (your ears) and you'll miss it in-game, but Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings actually had a pretty significant amount of original music composed by veteran composer Gordy Haab.

    In a cool feat of generosity, Gordy's now got the entire score to listen to on his website here. It's pretty darn cool really... just a shame that there wasn't more of it.

    Oh, and the download page is here!

    UPDATE: Not wanting to be left out, Ray Harman has a few of his tracks now up too!

    If you can't figure it out, you can never come back to again.

    Click here for the ballot paper.

    Source: Gamespot


    Too cheap to fork out almost $10 for the Special Edition? Look no further than Direct2Drive which gives all of our lovely readers a 25% discount! Just use this code...


    ... before the end of the month, and you're good to go.
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