Just a quick reminder that the Secret History article devoted to
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge is going up at the end of the month (assuming nothing goes wrong, which it will), and we need you to
send in your reader opinions. I don't mean to scare you, and this could be pure coincidence, but my great grandmother didn't send in a reader opinion for our MI2 article, and she's dead. Just throwing that out there.
Also, like with the past article we are willing to accept reader-submitted editorials (or whatever the heck you want to call them...just some piece related to the game in any way that's too lengthy to be called a reader opinion), provided they don't suck. So even though I'm giving you rather short notice, please feel free to work on something along those lines if you've got something more verbose that you think people need to hear about
Monkey Island 2.
I'd also remind you to play the game that features this web site's namesake, but the fact is that if you haven't played this game already, you should be put to sleep. Be sure to
replay it this month in celebration though.