
You crack me up, little buddy 06 Oct, 2008, 00:55 / 5 comments

So, as you may have noticed, our Day of the Tentacle Secret History article is falling a bit behind, for reasons not worth going into. But enough about Dan Pettit. The slight postponement of the DOTT article (which is coming very soon!) hasn't stopped progress on the Sam & Max Hit the Road one, which we're now accepting Reading Opinions for! Don't be like us and delay - send me your stuff now!


  • Giygas on 06 Oct, 2008, 12:18…
    I'm a bit confused about the images next to reader opinions. Do we get to choose those or what?
  • Udvarnoky on 06 Oct, 2008, 13:56…
    Gabez applies those images to everyone's opinion. I have had the occasional person who decided to submit their own image along with their text, but mostly it's just Gabez messing around.
  • neon_git on 06 Oct, 2008, 16:13…
    T thought it had that ineffable Gabez feel to it. You can always tell.
  • Gabez on 06 Oct, 2008, 15:27…
    Yeah, just let me know if you want a specific avatar.
  • valkian on 06 Oct, 2008, 16:08…
    I support your randomness Gabez!