The first episode of Game of Thrones, Iron From Ice, now has release dates. It will be available on December 2 on PC/Mac through the Telltale Store and Steam. On December 3, it will release for the PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One worldwide. On December 4, it will release for iOS, and then on December 9 it will release for the PlayStation 3 worldwide. It will also be coming to Android at an as of yet unannounced date in December.
Since the game is now playable in alpha state to the finale, and they're now almost wrapped with the remainder of the development of the game, that means that they're now aiming to release of Broken Age Act II early next year.
The first episode of Tales from the Borderlands, Zer0 Sum is out now for PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One worldwide, and for PS3 and PS4 in North America. There's still no release date set for the Mac version, and the PS3 and PS4 release in Europe will be happening on the 3rd of December.
Twenty-three days left, and Thimbleweed Park is funded. Woo! But, now we have actual stretch goals and particularly the highest one, $625,000, needs to be reached. I mean, a talkie version? In 1989 that'd be like magic. Dark magic.
So, run and fund! Screw retirement, this is like investing in your own future.
The goals:
$425,000: Game translated into German, Spanish, French, and Italian. Up it by $1, and the game will be translated into German by the guy who did Monkey Island, Boris Schneider-Johne. (Pretty sure he is made up.)
$525,000: iOS and Android conversion.
$625,000: Magic!
Double Fine's publisher woes haven't improved as of late it seems, as Gamasutra is reporting that one of Double Fine's unannounced projects was unexpectedly cancelled by its publisher, which led to them having to lay off 12 people.
Tim Schafer states that "Broken Age, Massive Chalice, and Grim Fandango Remastered, were unaffected".
We at Mojo hope those affected get back on their feet soon and wish them the best of luck in the future.
There are questions one can ask the duo behind Thimbleweed Park, and there are important questions one can dig into. We chose the latter -- Will Chuck the Plant make an appearance? Will there be nude statues? Is Ken Macklin making a comeback? -- and you reap the benefits.
Run and read our interview with Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick. You'll never ask for those five minutes back.
Yes indeed, an honest to god preview of Massive Chalice, that's just how we roll. How does it look so far? Read, and find out!
So, here's one for us all to enjoy: Ronzo "Ron" Gilbert -- you know him from… oh, you know him -- and Gary "Maniac Mansion" Winnick have teamed up to make another old-school adventure: Thimbleweed Park.
Let that one sink in for a bit. Then look at the screenshots.
And then watch the trailer:
Telltale has gotten a bit of a bad rep around these parts lately, haven't they? And Jason is not happy about this, and has thus written an op-ed about the subject: Be Grateful to Telltale.
Agree? Disagree? Don't give a crap? Read and sound off in the comments with your own bitching and moaning.
You know him from LucasArts, you know him from Telltale, and you might even know him from Humongous Entertainment. And now you'll also know Dave Grossman from Reactive Studios, where he's the chief creative officer.
"Who the hell does this Reactive think it is?", you may ask, and a good question it is. The studio is known for its Codename Cygnus, a Kickstarted "interactive radio drama." Apparently it uses "speech recognition," which means it's perfectly suited for playing on the bus.
(Yeah, I don't know, I never tried it; it could be awesome for all I know.)
Anyway! Good luck to Mr Grossman on his new gig. We're looking forward to see where this is headed.
You can find Reactive Studios website here.
Source: IGN
If these are the first images of Telltale's series, it's looking pretty good. Telltale's Job Stauffer described the style as a living oil painting, and I'd have to concur. I can't wait to see how it looks in motion. You can see some of the images below (click to enlarge):

Update: Tales from the Borderlands is available to preorder on Steam now for 10% off the usual $25USD price, and the page lists the release date as November 25 (though note that Steam dates can sometimes be estimates that change before release. Telltale hasn't announced an official date yet).
The Tales from the Borderlands launch trailer is here, which means the first episode of the game should be releasing soon, as Telltale's games usually launch within a week or two of the launch trailer. Episode titles haven't been revealed yet, but it's known there will be five episodes and the Australian Classification board lists the name of the first episode as ZER0 SUM. The platforms have been announced as PC, Mac, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and iOS. More platforms will be announced at a later date.
In other Telltale news, they have quietly started shipping the collector's DVDs for The Walking Dead Season Two and The Wolf Among Us. If you have already or are planning on purchasing these games from the Telltale Store, you can get the DVD for the season at just the cost of shipping by clicking buy now at the game's website. And, if you're still wondering about the Tales from the Borderlands trailer, you view it below:
Well, you know… Whatever.
The concluding review of The Walking Dead's season two is just what it says on the tin, and more. (More meaning some musings on what lies ahead for TTG.) So! Read damn it!
(Again, this will be a retread for the Twitter crowd, but allow us to return from downtime with an artificial splash. We need this.)
When the remaster of Grim Fandango was announced, the first thought that rushed to everyone's head was, "That's great, but what about sprucing up the most beloved installment of the Monkey Island series while you're at it?"
That's where our own bgbennyboy comes in. With some gentle nudging from yours truly, Benny has put out a new release of his excellent Escape from Monkey Island launcher. Here is the full list of features, the killer one being that the cutscenes now play at twice their original resolution, which I believe was accomplished by violating the PS2 version of the game, which always had the better quality cutscenes.
But Benny needs your help testing his noble work. So grab your EMI discs and enjoy the fruits of his labors, which were literally four years in the making. (No, seriously - go to the beginning of that thread.)
Source: The Forums
I'm just saying. While it's little more than a splash screen for the special edition, there's something fundamentally disturbing about the fact that Disney is even acknowledging the game on its own web site.
I mistrust it, somehow.
My assigned part it, anyway. In a show of support for Jennifer, I strove to ensure that whatever she could possibly come up with would be considerably less humiliating by comparison.
As you were promised, here is my incident-free re-enactment of the wedding scene from The Secret of Monkey Island as a reward for the support you damned well should have shown to Venture Moon's Duke Grabowski.
Note: We provided subtitles this time out in case the combination of my Cajun accent and the home movie audio fidelity prove to be too much of a barrier.
Well, basically.
You may have seen this Kotaku article if you were keeping tabs on us on Twitter during our downtime, but why admit to reading Twitter when I'm handing you this convenient out?
The article goes into the sometimes extreme measures that the Double Fine team had to take in trying to track down old Grim Fandango assets for their upcoming remastering.
“I got another name and another name and eventually walked out of Lucas with a tub of tapes that were in this format I’d never even heard of before,” said Schafer. “But we found out that one of our old co-workers collected obscure drives, and we were able rebuild a lot of it. We were able to get a lot of the frames of the original cut-scenes un-compressed and a lot of the Pro Tools sessions of the music.”
Read the full article for more kah-rayzee stories about Grim's excavation.
Source: Kotaku
The Brutal Legend Limited Edition Indiebox has shipped to those who ordered it in October, full of items using concept art from the game. If you missed it, but would like to order it, there's still time. You can pick it up at the indiebox store for $25 USD.
The Massive Chalice beta is now available to all via Steam Early Access. Everyone who backed it at $20 or more should get a Steam code for this version. Oh, and even though it's on Early Access, it is fully funded, so there's no worry about it not becoming fully realized. The 1.0 release is scheduled for Spring 2015, and the game has full funding to make it up to that point.
Game of Thrones is now more than just a title image and a string of cryptic clues. Telltale has revealed the first concrete information about their series based on the HBO show based on the novels. It will consist of six episodes, and will feature five different playable protagonists all from the same house, in this case, the House of Forrester. Some of the people may be blood relatives of the Forrester clan, others may be people who work for the house, but every decision that you make will have consequences that will affect the entire house. The first episode will be called Iron From Ice and is set to arrive for download soon on PC/Mac, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and iOS, with additional platforms to be announced.