
Tim resorts to contacting ATMachine for original Grim resources 11 Nov, 2014 / 1 comment

Well, basically.

You may have seen this Kotaku article if you were keeping tabs on us on Twitter during our downtime, but why admit to reading Twitter when I'm handing you this convenient out?

The article goes into the sometimes extreme measures that the Double Fine team had to take in trying to track down old Grim Fandango assets for their upcoming remastering.

“I got another name and another name and eventually walked out of Lucas with a tub of tapes that were in this format I’d never even heard of before,” said Schafer. “But we found out that one of our old co-workers collected obscure drives, and we were able rebuild a lot of it. We were able to get a lot of the frames of the original cut-scenes un-compressed and a lot of the Pro Tools sessions of the music.”

Read the full article for more kah-rayzee stories about Grim's excavation.

Source: Kotaku


1 Comment

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    Twilo on 11 Nov, 2014, 23:45…
    But he's still getting his PC in shape for Tales of Monkey Island!

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