
I mean, what the hell, right on the minute of the embargo being lifted too. This could make us the first site in the world to publish a Thimbleweed Park review.

And it is about as spoiler-free as it can get, with the only concrete examples coming from the two first hours of the game. We -- and I speak for all of Mojo, because nobody's editing this -- like Thimbleweed Park. A lot. And you probably will too, even though/particularly because the game is of an acquired taste.

Read! Agree? Disagree? Voice your opinions in the comments, all six of you.

And look for more Thimbleweed Park content coming soon, because we're gonna milk this cow 'til it's dry.

It's finally here! International Thimbleweed Park Launch Day!
MixNMojo's official "most looking forward to game in 2017" is out today. It's all downhill from here for the rest of the year (well, except for maybe a few exciting highlights that are also due soon).
If you don't have it already, make sure you pick it up so you can enjoy it today along with the rest of the coolest members of society.

Source: Thimbleweed Park



It looks like the folks at Hashtag Collectables has been spying on my dreams, because the Max plush toy is finally here, just in time for Sam & Max's 30th anniversary.

It's too bad that dream entering technology wasn't available 20 years ago, since I've been dreaming about this since I was a kid, and I'm sure I'm not alone.

Now I just have to resist the urge to buy a dozen of them...


Adventure Gamers decided to have a lengthy confab with their personal graphic designer Bill Tiller as well as his Duke Grabowski cohort Gene Mocsy. They mostly talk Duke - which Bill reiterates is planned for five episodes that he figures will come out at six-month intervals - but other topics spring up, like the future of A Vampyre Story, which isn't quite as defined as I had hoped:

Ingmar: Speaking of legal stuff… I know people ask you about this a lot, but of course we can’t do an interview with you without discussing the potential future of A Vampyre Story.

Bill: I think Crimson Cow has a new management. They’re probably not interested in doing it, but I don’t think they’re against selling it, so I guess if I came up with the right money I suppose I can get the rights back. I’m concentrating on Duke Grabowski right now, but once Duke’s over I’m totally open to talking to Crimson Cow. But I’ve also been discussing the idea of animated shorts with our animator Romero. I love these characters, you know, and I don’t want them to die off just because of the distribution rights.

It’s a pretty long and epic story, so it could easily be turned into an episodic game with around eight episodes before the whole story arc wraps up. So, yeah, I’d love to do it, but if worst comes to worst I have the rights to do animated shorts, books, or comic books. When the time comes I’ll definitely explore the options.

There's a whole lot more in the full article, so why don't you go give it a read? Gosh, it's not like we're competitors.

Source: Adventure Gamers


Using the official A Vampyre Story Facebook page, Bill has posed a cryptic question. See it at the bottom of this post, because that's apparently the only place images will work. Good gravy, this site.

A Vampyre 2: A Bat's Tale entered production immediately after the original game back in 2008, but months later the plug was pulled by its publisher Crimson Cow Games. Because they still had the rights, Bill was unable to try to shop the project around or go the crowdfunding route, leaving the sequel in indefinite limbo.

So why is Bill gauging fan interest now? Have the rights lapsed back to him, or is he trying to gather evidence to show Crimson Cow that there's an audience that justifies revving the machine back up? Is Crimson Cow even in business anymore?

Whatever's going on, send an email to Bill at the email address below, and let him know that you need A Vampyre Story 2 more than you need potable water.

News image

(Click to enlarge)

Source: Facebook


Some news requires no comment, other than: w00t.

Here's Tim humbly suggesting that you pre-order from GOG:

One last cool thing: apparently Tim had the original demo of the game (a PC Magazine exclusive) remastered as well because it featured unique dialog not heard in the shipped game, and Tim wanted all of Roy Conrad's lines preserved in high quality. Pretty rad.

Source: engadget


Ron and his hat sit down with Google to discuss a thirty year career. Pull up a chair and be grateful to spend fifty minutes with Ronzo:

Source: Youtube


As with Day of the Tentacle Remastered and Grim Fandango Remastered, Double Fine had to go through the LucasArts archives to resurrect Full Throttle, and Tim talked about that effort with

Schafer called it a sort of "digital archaeology." For Full Throttle, the art was completely repainted, often with input from original artists like Larry Ahern and Peter Chen. 3D elements like the game's motorcycles had to be remodeled from scratch because the originals weren't archived. Roy Conrad, the original voice actor for the game's protagonist Ben, died over a decade ago, so they had to track down the uncompressed DAT tapes of his original voiceover sessions in order to remaster them in stereo.

"We're in a unique position where we remember where the bodies are buried," he said. "'I think that sound guy took home a box of tapes once, and I know so-and-so has that thing in their attic.' And at Skywalker Ranch there's an archive that has a lot of cool stuff there, and we got access to those. We got to dig through these flat files, finding these great pieces of art and putting them in the concept art browser for the first time to let you see all this stuff when you play the game. It's more like a fun treasure hunt."

One might expect that the hassles of remastering projects like these would cause Double Fine to re-think the way it preserves its current titles for the future.

"I feel like we had all this trouble finding all these archives," Schafer said, "and it was like, 'Why didn't we archive this stuff better?' And then I was like, 'Are we archiving our new stuff better?' We had to really look at it, and well, you know... In some ways it's easy to make those same mistakes again, to just not really think about what's going to happen 20 years from now. 'Yeah, that stuff's all on that one artist's hard drive, but we don't have time to do all that...' So you really have to push yourself to create good archives, and to put away a machine that can do the actual build of the game. And that's something I hope all developers do, or they'll be kicking themselves later."

It's a comfort to know that Roy Conrad's line readings will liberated from that Turkish prison that is MONSTER.SOU.



Business Insider has an all-encompassing new interview with Tim up that you should read while ruing the time change.

Source: Business Insider


SCUMM Revisited, AFL2PCX, SCUMM Costume Viewer… If you know what those are, you know what they are, and if you don’t, well… Benzo’s The Vault will help you find out.

For those in the former group, look… We will get hosted * sites back up again, but there are also other important things to do, too. Like watching TV. So for now, if you are interested in hacking old LEC games, The Vault will have you covered.

Even EMI Song Ripper—largely considered the sexiest software ever written—is there!


You may recall that time a year ago when we reported that an indomitable band of Germans were seeking to get official approval for their HD remake of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis.

Those of you who hate surprises, I should warn you: this isn't going to be one.

Hi Fans!

Quick announcement!

We have been asked politely by a new promoted Lucasfilm Head of business development person to stop developing and distributing Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Special Edition demo.
We will remove the downloading buttons from our website this Sunday (5th March 2017)
We have been told that Lucasfilm don't want to share the Indy license with anyone right one, so we came up with other solution and we will see if that is going to work for them.
We will keep in touch with Lucasfilm people and continuously trying to obtain a deal for a full project development!
Lucasfilm has seen what we have done, we proved our skills, show them a great effort and strong responsibility, they have received all required documents and now it's up to them if they will change their minds and start supporting Independent developers.
Whatever the response will be, We are extremely proud of what we have done, it has been a great fun, we will love this project forever and we thank you all who participated or support us during this "long-term, free-time" development.

Fans community is strong, full of talented people and nobody is going to stop us from doing what we love, because we are doing it right! This is not the end of this project and this is not the end of any fans projects...big companies need to understand that: "All things come to him who waits." #lucasfilm #lucasarts #adventuregames #disney


Which reminds me, I'd be much obliged if you guys could keep my painstaking remaster of Defenders of Dynatron City that's nineteen years in the making under your hat.

Source: Facebook

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