
Full Throttle Remastered coming April 18th to PC, PS4 and Vita 14 Mar, 2017 / 6 comments

Some news requires no comment, other than: w00t.

Here's Tim humbly suggesting that you pre-order from GOG:

One last cool thing: apparently Tim had the original demo of the game (a PC Magazine exclusive) remastered as well because it featured unique dialog not heard in the shipped game, and Tim wanted all of Roy Conrad's lines preserved in high quality. Pretty rad.

Source: engadget



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    AlfredJ on 18 Mar, 2017, 19:20…



    Sad realization: This might very well be the last new release we'll ever see concerning the old Lucas adventure franchises.

    I doubt that, but probably the last one involving Double Fine.

    I don't really see who else will step up. Telltale won't, not at this point, Lucasarts doesn't exist anymore and Disney closed their own inhouse game studio a while ago (and I don't think they'd jump to the adventure games in any case).

    I can see Double Fine doing another remake if they can get the original designers involved (several would be willing to play ball), or maybe even (dreaming big) a sequel to Monkey Island with Ron returning to Double Fine for a bit. But that's a big if - I have no idea how well the remakes of Grim and Dott did.
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    Remi on 18 Mar, 2017, 19:05…


    Sad realization: This might very well be the last new release we'll ever see concerning the old Lucas adventure franchises.

    I doubt that, but probably the last one involving Double Fine.
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    AlfredJ on 17 Mar, 2017, 20:23…
    Sad realization: This might very well be the last new release we'll ever see concerning the old Lucas adventure franchises.

    Good realization: We'll all be playing a Full Throttle in a couple of weeks.
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 15 Mar, 2017, 19:03…
    When's the Remastered demo released...?
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    Jason on 15 Mar, 2017, 00:03…
    Apparently the remastered demo is how he was showing the game off at expos. I'm hoping it's available as an extra feature, but who knows.
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    Huz on 14 Mar, 2017, 23:44…
    Is the remastered demo going to be free? Since it's a demo I'd hope so, but as its curiosity value is higher than the game itself I kinda doubt it. :(

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