There’s an official LEGO site called LEGO IDEAS, which is exactly what you’d expect it to be: A place where people can post ideas for future LEGO products. If the idea reaches 1,000 (update: 10,000) votes, it will be reviewed by the LEGO Illuminati and potentially become the real deal. I admittedly know Jack about LEGO, but elTee does, and he excitedly posted this little gem (not to Mojo, but… ¬¬):

If that’s not enough to sell you, check out this video:
That’s right, the sucker opens.
The set has 259 votes at the time of writing, but after being Mojoed, I think it’s safe to say this will happen within the next two years or so. Go vote
Update! As pointed out by gdeligne in the comments, the LEGO idea requires 10,000, not 1,000 votes. What’s an extra zero amongst friends anyway?
Source: LucasTones