
Hey, we still have hosted sites! Hosted site, I suppose, if we're talking about anything that's, y'know, actually updated.


Our friends over at recently talked to Melissa Hutchinson, the voice of Sam & Max's Girl Stinky, as well as The Walking Dead's Clementine. It's a good interview, so go read.


I haven't been posting much lately; we've all noticed it. The temptation will be to assume the worst of me - that I've succumbed to laziness or apathy, or outright disdain for you, specifically.

But consider:


Well, is it better than the original? Find out what we think in our Poker Night 2 review.


It's the question posed by my latest article.

Special thanks to Remi for the header image.


The Cook-chase crew are back -- for one episode at least! We'd like to do more but have to talk to the Disney lawyers first. In the meantime, we got together to talk about Disney and Star Wars. Listen below, and, as ever, please get in touch with messages / interventions by commenting on this news post, or e-mailing us at podcast [at]

Download or subscribe on iTunes. Thanks to Zaarin for editing this together.


The apocalypse has come and gone, and like the cockroaches, Mojo survived. What better way to celeberate this than by reading our review of the year we've put behind us? Click here!

Or here!


Our hosted sites should start returning to the Internet after much hard work. If you've tried visited them recently, you may have to flush your browser cache.


That is all! Please resume your Bradbury/scary movie/candy/A Vampyre Story replay.


New poll! This time we ask what is the most awesome version of LeChuck and you can pick from any of the incarnations we've seen so far.

Our old poll asked if you want more Monkey Island. Unsurpisingly, the vast majority answered "I must have more!". Only 8 people were more interested in further special editions while four thought the ship had sailed for the franchise.

Should Monkey Island continue or be left in peace?
I must have more!
More Special Editions would be nice
That ship has sailed
Total votes 57

Our new poll asks: Should Monkey Island continue or be left in peace? Do you want more from Guybrush and co. or are you happy with what we got? Vote to the right!

The previous poll asked which of Captain Blondebeard's teeth was replaced with gold. Most of you think it is the lower left central incisor. Who knows? The full results are below.

Which of Captain Blondebeard's teeth was replaced with gold?
Lower left central incisor
Upper right second molar
Upper left lateral incisor
Lower right canine
Lower left first premolar
Total votes 22

Well gosh, apparently we had nothing better to do today than restore even more old content. Got a fresh batch comin' out the micro as we speak:

The Maniac Mansion TV Show: At a Glance
Bay Area Sound Interview
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse Reviews
DeathSpank Parts 1 and 2 Reviews
Jesse Harlin Interview (that first one we did around MI1:SE)

Dang, at this rate we'll be a real web site someday.


I dredged for more of my old reviews today and returned with four more survivors. It's a high energy ode to nonchalantly-received casual franchise titles as we recall...

CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder
CSI: Hard Evidence
CSI: Deadly Intent
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings

You can't even handle this.


Remember a few years ago when LEC started putting just enough of its classic SNES games on Nintendo's Virtual Console service to trick us into loving again and actually believe that it signaled routine?

Boy, they sure got us good! But the tease did result in something other than heartbreak; our excitement at the time translated to my (even then) way belated reviews of Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, and Ghoul Patrol. Like the majority of Mojo's content it all got waxed by MojoX's scorched earth policy, but they're back now after some diligent shoveling and careful HTML-to-BBCode surgery, which should never be attempted without safety goggles. Enjoy:

Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Ghoul Patrol

Something this recovery effort puts into sharp relief for me is the woeful lack of reviews (not counting the ones awaiting re-publication) Mojo has of LucasArts' largely incredible back catalogue. You know, that bevy of non-adventure stuff that was really good? Any of you guys wanting to help us out there really ought to drop us a line.


Yeah, yeah, we were a bit slow with this -- most of the staff is on vacation, spending their annual Mojo summer-bonus cheques -- but we've finally reviewed "Starved for Help".

(And that's about the gist of it.)


You've had your time to vote and the results are in:

Which game are you looking forward to the most?
Double Fine Adventure
The Cave
Happy Action Theater 2
Total votes 43

Double Fine Adventure won with more than thrice the number of votes compared to runner-up The Cave while nobody seems to give a shit about Happy Action Theater 2.

In our next poll, we ask the burning question: Which of Captain Blondebeard's teeth was replaced with gold? Go vote!


Our previous poll asked how much money you pledged towards getting a new adventure game from Double Fine and the results are in:

How much did you donate to Double Fine Adventure?
$100 or more, because my walls are naked!
$30 or more for the HD goodness and sweet aural stimuli!
$15 or more, because I want access!
Nothing, because what's a Double Fine?
$250 or more so I can have artwork covered in scribbles!
$150,000 or more. The DOTT triangle will be mine!
$1000 or more, because a mini portrait is a babe magnet!
$1, because I'm cheap!
$5000 or more. I want sweet DF artwork!
$10,000 or more, because I'm a rich bastid that wants to meet my heroes!
Total votes 104

The most popular amount is $100, followed with just three less pledging $30. Four of you don't know what a Double Fine is (or you're a smart ass) and only one rich bastard pledged a thousand!

Now that we're all done being excited over the results, it's time for a new poll! Which Double Fine game are you looking forward to the most? The so far titled Double Fine Adventure, the recently announced The Cave, or Happy Action Theater 2?


We're back! Most things should work, but if you find something wonky, don't hesitate to tell us in the comments.


"No!", says Jason.

Ages ago, some journo over on CHUD posted a feature saying Tim Schafer should make other stuff and Jason replied with this.


Let's break out into a happy jig because Jennifer has written a review of Double Fine's Kinect title Double Fine Happy Action Theater.

Go read it!


A year after Jake and Spaff made the trip to Double Fine, Telarium and DJG went to check up on their mysterious new game named Psychonauts.

Will they get to play it? Will Tim be successful in his attempts to score some smack? Read the feature to find out!

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