
New poll: Which of Captain Blondebeard's teeth was replaced with gold? 06 Jul, 2012 / 2 comments

You've had your time to vote and the results are in:

Which game are you looking forward to the most?
Double Fine Adventure
The Cave
Happy Action Theater 2
Total votes 43

Double Fine Adventure won with more than thrice the number of votes compared to runner-up The Cave while nobody seems to give a shit about Happy Action Theater 2.

In our next poll, we ask the burning question: Which of Captain Blondebeard's teeth was replaced with gold? Go vote!



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    MKZY on 26 Aug, 2012, 13:35…
    Best poll evar!

    I consider it cheating if you searched for a picture of old Blondebeard, and I am proud to say that I have no idea if I choose the right one.
    This picture however, might be valuable if you, like me, can only guess what those strange words mean. Is it even English? Maybe some kind of English/Latin mix, those are popular I know.
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    clone2727 on 08 Jul, 2012, 13:07…
    Sounds more like a quiz than a poll

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