
Double Fine Happy Action Theater review 21 Feb, 2012 / 4 comments

Let's break out into a happy jig because Jennifer has written a review of Double Fine's Kinect title Double Fine Happy Action Theater.

Go read it!



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    Ascovel on 22 Feb, 2012, 09:26…
    I miss the skull ratings. Now I have to actually read the review to know if the game is any good.

    Fun review btw. This HAT seems to offer more than meets the eye.
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    Jennifer on 22 Feb, 2012, 01:05…
    It's just a small thing, but it made us laugh. If you talk during the underwater scene, bubbles come out of your mouth. If you talk quickly (or laugh), random symbols come out like the swear word censorship in cartoons (#!$%!, etc). When it started doing that, we laughed even harder. :)

    It's neat too because the voice recognition allows the bubbles to come out of the correct mouths.
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    AlfredJ on 22 Feb, 2012, 00:54…
    Good review, and I agree with most of it. We had a lot of fun with it. We played it quite a lot, but I had no idea the microphone was used for something (hell, I don't own a Kinect myself - I didn't even know the thing had a microphone). What's the microphone easter egg you mentioned?
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    Thrik on 21 Feb, 2012, 18:39…
    Hah, had no idea Razputin was in it. Nice little easter egg!

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