
The new cock chase is here! I mean the new cook chase is here! This is the podcast that burps all the news from the past week into your face.

This week Dan phones in from e3, where he's reporting on 'games'. Meanwhile, in the studio, Gabriel and Roger are joined by a special guest. Maybe it's Tim Schafer! (It's not Tim Schafer. It's clone2727).

Main topics: e3, Sesame Street, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Puzzle Agent 2, Comment of the Week (awarded to The Tingler), Virginity.

Listen by clicking on the button to the right.


The popular hosted site Quick & Easy has had a facelift. Benny's page hosts several popular tools he's writen, including the Telltale Explorer, a replacement Grim Fandango installer, the USB Disk Ejector, and many more. Tools like the Telltale Music Extractor are updated often to support Telltale's latest games so make sure you stop by from time to time to check out the latest updates.


This week, Dan is away, Gabriel gets caught up in a long unfunny, hellishly complicated joke that has no punch-line, bad impressions are made, and an attempt is made to give a 'shout out' to every single person on the web-site. Maybe you can hear your name!

We also discuss, as always, the week's news stories, including the (very latest!) comments from LucasArts President Paul 'Our Priority is Star Wars' Meegan.

Listen by pointing your mouse (and your ears) to the right.

Incidentally, this podcast is 11:11 minutes and seconds long. It just happened that I went to a talk by Uri Geller yesterday who told everyone that 11 11 would be significant. Amazing!


After a slight delay (caused by Zaarin literally falling asleep on his couch), the fourth episode of the Mixnmojo Cock Cook Chase podcast has been released! In it, we discuss the news of the week... in audio form! In your ears! And possibly other parts of your body as well. Listen, as always, by going to the podcast menu on the right. News posts discussed:

All feedback or comments are greatly appreciated. Enjoy!!!!!!1

The Cook Chase strikes again, giving you a summary of the week's news every Thursday evening (GMT). This week we discuss Tim Schafer's new video, and we unveil our new feature, 'eBay items'. Observe:

Hear all about it by moving to the 'podcast' bubble, in the menu to the right! Leave comments to this news post and we'll discuss them next week.

It's that time of week again: another Cook Chase podcast has been released! (See it on the menu to the right).

There wasn't a lot of news this week (apart from a really amazing story about Ron Gilbert, which you can hear about in the podcast), so we decided to pull out a "hot topic" feature based on the discussion about Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine.

Was your comment discussed and crudely mocked? Listen to find out! It's like hearing two uninformed, boozy old men talk about you behind your back, in the pub, on a Thursday night... in super-amazing Stereo!

Thanks as always to Zaarin our producer.


Does all this text bore you? Do you prefer getting news in audio form? Look no further than to the right and below the latest forum posts to find our latest Cook Chase which will try to summarize last week's events!


Remember how LucasArts teased us with Sam & Max: Freelance Police and rapidly made us go from ":-D" to ":-(" and then to ">:-("? Of course you do, and a crazy time it was.

With three seasons of Sam & Max now available from Telltale, it might be time to take a look at what could have been. Our ancient preview is once again available, as is our angry manifesto. The latter has been padded with some crazy hate-art from the gone but never (never!) forgotten Wibble-Wobble Hatstand.

One that might be a bit more obscure is our Freelance Police retrospective, now imaginatively (re-)titled " The Kinda, Sorta, But Not Really Secret History of Sam & Max: Freelance Police." In it we take a look at the history of the game, and show some of the test-animations from the game. Remember the Max butt-shave? If not, you should probably revisit it.

So yes, roll back in time, and think what could have been.


Tingler's fought hordes of Lego bricks to bring you Mojo's review of Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars.



What is this? A release and a review on the same day? Go read over here and then comment below!


It is, as you may have noticed, 2011. Therefore we ask, possibly a few months too late, who you have the most faith in for 2011. Will LucasArts make a comeback? Or will Double Fine keep up its string of goodness? Maybe Telltale's 345 games is more to your liking, or is there a bigger chance that Charlie Sheen will keep on winning? Then there's Autumn Moon of course.

But don't read this, go over there! And vote!


SurplusGamer has taken a good look at the latest episode of Back to the Future: The Game and presented his findings over here for you perusal.


Udvarnoky, The Tingler, and SurplusGamer discuss all the things that have been happening since the last MojoCast recorded in November of last year.

This MojoCast is also the first you can stream directly from the site. Just look below the forum posts to the right to find the new flash player as well as a download link to a slightly higher quality version.


Still unsure whether or not you should buy Telltale Games' Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent or CSI: Fatal Conspiracy? Why not check out SurplusGamer's review of Puzzle Agent or Jason's review of Fatal Conspiracy. Fresh from Mojo's archives!


I'd probably use it as a platform for pointing out that at least one Google search that led someone to Mojo was "can roger Ebert eat".

Kind of regrettable. And just a sample of the kind of action you can get in on by visiting the old IRC channel (that's #monkey-island at every now and again.

Source: Zaarin on IRC


Sean Howard worked as dialogue writer on DeathSpank and its sequel Thongs of Virtue. He also makes web comics for his web site over here.

Join us as the writer of DeathSpank's puns shares his views on the video game industry, franchises, how he got involved with DeathSpank, and what he's up to now.

Update by Kroms: I thought I'd get a word in here and thank Sean. The interview was originally supposed to happen in October but, due to circumstances outside of my control, got delayed. I neglected to inform him of this change, and kept him waiting, so to speak, for the questions. So, a heartfelt thanks for his patience and for his answers.


What's that? Features? Well, a feature for now, but we expect to see the old stuff populating the database soon. "Soon" meaning "over the next few years" in Mojo-speak.

To kick it off, we have our annual review. What was the game of the year according to you? Was it a good year? For heaven's sake don't read this to find out, read that!


Let's pretend it's still November and that Tingler didn't accidentally drop the tapes behind the cupboard where they've been lost for the last month.

Pretending? OK, now go listen to another MojoCast about things like A Vampyre Story and multiple choice questions!


But yes, we're back up again... For now.

Meanwhile, the first episode of Back to the Future, "It's About Time," is set to launch on December 22nd.

And if you're still looking to buy more Tales of Monkey Island, PC retail copies are apparently going to hit UK, Australia, New Zealand and Europe on March 25th with "bonus content and items" bundled. Woo!

Let's never talk about this downtime again.


As if El Poll Diablo wasn't enough, you now have the chance to vote for our annual "Best of" poll. Yes, we're doing them again. As always the results will be included in our end-of-year round-up feature, so what are you waiting for? Vote!


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