
El Poll Diablo has returned! 06 Dec, 2010 / 22 comments


The polls are open again! Our first question is the classic Which is the best Monkey Island game?, so go ahead and vote for your favourite!

In the media section, you will find that Files has been opened. So far there are some fan games and demos in there, but more will be added in the days to come. Thanks very much to Giocherellone from the forums for his help in archiving the fan game collection (and more is on the way!)

For people daring to brave the User Prefs page, there is now a new option available: Time zone. You can set the time of the site to your local time to see exactly when all those news posts and comments were posted when you were asleep last night.

Update: Cookie problems related to "Remember me" failing to load your preferences has now been fixed.



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    The Tingler on 08 Dec, 2010, 03:32…


    The Tingler

    Don't quite understand what not being able to read has to do with liking EMI...

    the poll clearly states "WHICH IS THE BEST MONKEY ISLAND GAME?"

    AHHH I SEEEEE. Sorry, was utterly confused there.

    By those criteria you gave though, it's definitely the best. It has a duck in it for a start.
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    MarioColbert on 07 Dec, 2010, 23:39…

    The Tingler


    So far, two people can not read.

    Don't quite understand what not being able to read has to do with liking EMI...

    That's the thing, though - I like EMI more than most people around here, and I think it's constantly knocked way harder than it deserves (though the thing with Herman being Grandpa Marley is entirely and thoroughly a huge snafu that is inexcusable). But the poll clearly states "WHICH IS THE BEST MONKEY ISLAND GAME?"

    It doesn't say "what is YOUR FAVORITE Monkey Island game," in which case I wouldn't complain about reading comprehension. It asks for the BEST GAME, and I find it exceptionally difficult to make a case for "not 2." It wins over EMI by the virtue of interface alone.

    I wasn't trying to be all flamewar starting, though... I just like monkeys and islands, especially whenever LECHUCK'S REVENGE and Arabic numeral 2 is involved, like the fanboy moron that I am.
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    adrian.oconnor on 07 Dec, 2010, 08:35…


    I see how some might go for 1 over 2, because nostalgia-laden memories of the original discovery of Guybrush and everything he stands for could alter your judgement away from (quite obviously) the supremest game in the series.

    If you're being totally objective, then 2 might just be a better game than 1, maybe, but when it first arrived MI was totally fresh, original, and unexpected, and it blew the pants off anything that had come before it. MI2 was awesome, but it didn't have quite the same impact (on me at least) as the first. I dunno, maybe you're right. Maybe it is just nostalgia.

    I also understand why some people might vote for CMI -- the voice acting was great, Murray was a work of genius, and it was worth playing just to get to the 'Monkey In My Pocket' nursery rhyme.

    It's all academic anyway, because as somebody else pointed out, Ron Gilbert has suggested Monkey Island 3a was the best of the series, and I suspect he's right.
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 07 Dec, 2010, 02:27…

    The Tingler


    This post fails to mention the post important update to the site, the restoration of "The International House of" in the logo.

    Thanks Jason, I was happy to see that too! Especially as 'Mojo' is a popular music magazine. Or a drugs website.

    I also like it because it means I can abbreviate the site to "International HoMo". *titters like a school girl*
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    HoorayForSodomy on 07 Dec, 2010, 02:02…
    According to Ron Gilbert's recent tweet, there's an option missing from the poll.

    "Mix-n-Mojo (@mixnmojo) has a poll on the best Monkey Island game. The correct answer is Monkey Island 3a:"
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    The Tingler on 07 Dec, 2010, 01:27…


    So far, two people can not read.

    Don't quite understand what not being able to read has to do with liking EMI...
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    The Tingler on 07 Dec, 2010, 01:25…


    This post fails to mention the post important update to the site, the restoration of "The International House of" in the logo.

    Thanks Jason, I was happy to see that too! Especially as 'Mojo' is a popular music magazine. Or a drugs website.
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    Remi on 06 Dec, 2010, 19:47…
    EMI obviously gets some dissing here, but really... CMI over TMI? It's pretty, it sounds good, and it's a very good game, but, to me at least, TMI was the first post-Gilbert sequel to capture the greatness of the first two games.

    Maybe the poll would have looked different if we had allowed multiple choices.
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    MarioColbert on 06 Dec, 2010, 19:41…
    That's not so much of a poll as much as a "do you belong here?" question.

    I see how some might go for 1 over 2, because nostalgia-laden memories of the original discovery of Guybrush and everything he stands for could alter your judgement away from (quite obviously) the supremest game in the series.

    So far, two people can not read.
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 06 Dec, 2010, 16:30…
    My vote was totally influenced by what everyone else had voted for. That's not a good thing.

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    Haggis on 06 Dec, 2010, 16:16…


    Or you could see that your favourite is taking a beating and that'll motivate you to vote.

    That's true.
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    Jason on 06 Dec, 2010, 15:16…
    This post fails to mention the post important update to the site, the restoration of "The International House of" in the logo.
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    Murray-Mint on 06 Dec, 2010, 14:09…
    I think those 2 people need to be hunted down and killed like the dogs they are.
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    Zaarin on 06 Dec, 2010, 11:37…



    The user prefs is not allowing me to make any changes.

    Same here.

    Also, would it be possible to hide the number of votes until you've clicked an option? The way it is now could influence voting.

    Or you could see that your favourite is taking a beating and that'll motivate you to vote.

    We're having some problems with cookies related to the "remember me" function. Try to log out and then back in if you have problems with user prefs.
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    The Tingler on 06 Dec, 2010, 11:23…



    Some think it's Escape from Monkey Island.

    Not true! Some usually means more than 1, but currently it's just you.

    It wasn't Zaarin.

    I'm glad Tales of Monkey Island is getting votes, I really did love it.
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    adrian.oconnor on 06 Dec, 2010, 10:56…


    Some think it's Escape from Monkey Island.

    Not true! Some usually means more than 1, but currently it's just you.

    Besides, everyone knows the original was the best, of course.
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    Haggis on 06 Dec, 2010, 10:33…


    The user prefs is not allowing me to make any changes.

    Same here.

    Also, would it be possible to hide the number of votes until you've clicked an option? The way it is now could influence voting.
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    Zaarin on 06 Dec, 2010, 08:38…


    You need a poll to have answer for that question!? Everyone knows it's LeChuck's Revenge.

    Some think it's Escape from Monkey Island.
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    Ascovel on 06 Dec, 2010, 08:12…
    You need a poll to have answer for that question!? Everyone knows it's LeChuck's Revenge.
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    Zaarin on 06 Dec, 2010, 07:24…


    The user prefs is not allowing me to make any changes.

    Odd. You may want to log out and then log in again if you were logged in from before the update.

    Or just do it anyway. Just in case. :)
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    Sp0tted on 06 Dec, 2010, 06:07…
    CoMI got me into the series... it will always be #1 to me.
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    valkian on 06 Dec, 2010, 03:57…
    The user prefs is not allowing me to make any changes.

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