
CC 6: Now with Clones! 10 Jun, 2011 / 5 comments

The new cock chase is here! I mean the new cook chase is here! This is the podcast that burps all the news from the past week into your face.

This week Dan phones in from e3, where he's reporting on 'games'. Meanwhile, in the studio, Gabriel and Roger are joined by a special guest. Maybe it's Tim Schafer! (It's not Tim Schafer. It's clone2727).

Main topics: e3, Sesame Street, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Puzzle Agent 2, Comment of the Week (awarded to The Tingler), Virginity.

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    AlfredJ on 12 Jun, 2011, 18:44…
    Just noticed that I made a mistake in my comment. The manager is called Murray in the tv series, but he's called Brian in the radio series. He's played by the same actor though.
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    Bombadil on 12 Jun, 2011, 10:39…
    @AlfredJ I had the same feeling about Gabez! I have recently watched the first season of the Flight of the Conchords and they totally sound the same! :D
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    Logic on 12 Jun, 2011, 08:17…
    [always a fun listen though]
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    Logic on 11 Jun, 2011, 00:47…
    Podcast? More like.. pod.. fast. If the ladies tell you ten minutes is enough they're just being nice.
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    AlfredJ on 10 Jun, 2011, 21:53…
    Is it weird that this podcast reminds me of that Flight of the Conchords BBC radio series they did before they had a tv series? Kinda the same humour, and Gabez totally sounds like Murray.

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