
Downtime always happens when other things are going on 16 Dec, 2010 / 4 comments

But yes, we're back up again... For now.

Meanwhile, the first episode of Back to the Future, "It's About Time," is set to launch on December 22nd.

And if you're still looking to buy more Tales of Monkey Island, PC retail copies are apparently going to hit UK, Australia, New Zealand and Europe on March 25th with "bonus content and items" bundled. Woo!

Let's never talk about this downtime again.



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    Bad Asp! on 17 Dec, 2010, 14:42…
    When Tales hits retail in the U.S., I'll jump for joy!
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    Shmargin on 17 Dec, 2010, 00:55…
    Whew! Thought it was those Brazilian hackers again.
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    Jason on 16 Dec, 2010, 23:56…
    Anyone here get the limited edition version of the German retail release with the big box?
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    MKZY on 16 Dec, 2010, 22:31…


    Let's never talk about this downtime again.

    What downtime?

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