
2010: A review. Yes, we have features now! 05 Jan, 2011 / 7 comments

What's that? Features? Well, a feature for now, but we expect to see the old stuff populating the database soon. "Soon" meaning "over the next few years" in Mojo-speak.

To kick it off, we have our annual review. What was the game of the year according to you? Was it a good year? For heaven's sake don't read this to find out, read that!



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    Icebox on 09 Jan, 2011, 02:40…
    Couldn't help but laugh at the "2010 SUX" bit.

    Great retrospective. Although I still say "Darrell of fun" should've been a potential best headline.

    Keep 'em coming!
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    Lagomorph on 07 Jan, 2011, 08:32…
    Great! When will the Lucas Arts Secret History pieces be online?
    I miss them... :(
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    Remi on 06 Jan, 2011, 17:25…


    Full marks though for "the Gabez of platforms if you like" - I spilled tea on my keyboard laughing at that. Surely a Remi special that one?

    Hey, that one just sort of wrote itself. ;
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    bgbennyboy on 06 Jan, 2011, 17:11…
    An excellent article! Those headlines still make me laugh.
    Full marks though for "the Gabez of platforms if you like" - I spilled tea on my keyboard laughing at that. Surely a Remi special that one?
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    QueZTone on 06 Jan, 2011, 07:24…
    Good stuff!
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    Ascovel on 06 Jan, 2011, 02:01…
    Nice religious pictures!
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    elTee on 06 Jan, 2011, 00:54…
    Look, see? We beat our binary deadline.

    Uh, that was 11/1/11, right?


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