Remember how LucasArts teased us with Sam & Max: Freelance Police and rapidly made us go from ":-D" to ":-(" and then to ">:-("? Of course you do, and a crazy time it was.
With three seasons of Sam & Max now available from Telltale, it might be time to take a look at what could have been. Our ancient preview is once again available, as is our angry manifesto. The latter has been padded with some crazy hate-art from the gone but never (never!) forgotten Wibble-Wobble Hatstand.
One that might be a bit more obscure is our Freelance Police retrospective, now imaginatively (re-)titled " The Kinda, Sorta, But Not Really Secret History of Sam & Max: Freelance Police." In it we take a look at the history of the game, and show some of the test-animations from the game. Remember the Max butt-shave? If not, you should probably revisit it.
So yes, roll back in time, and think what could have been.
Also, any chance on you guys getting interviews with some of the people who worked on this at some point? The interviews in the previous Secret History articles were all simply amazing. Is Freelance Police still sore for everyone or has left people afraid of LucasArts backlash for talking too much about it?
Anyway, great story: I had missed two or three juicy screenshots.
I guess Brendan Ferguson isn't in Telltale staff any longer.
He's gone, but now Derek Sakai is there!
This retrospective is actually just the text for the old Freelance Police database entry, so there's definitely some outdated info in there. As the person who cobbled together the majority of this info, I don't know how well this really flows as an article, but it's still probably the most complete account of what was known about the game and makes for an interesting read. It's too bad the many hyperlinks were necessarily removed, since they mostly led to Mojo pages that no longer exsit. I think what we have of galleries for the game are definitely a necessary companion piece to this text:
Also, if nothing else, re-reading this has made me want to play Armed and Dangerous again.
Jon N/A
Finally! Thanks Zaarin! Thanks Gabez!
(I'm the former Milkman08)
No problem! -"Zaarin and Gabez" ¬
(I'm the former Milkman08)
Some of the new screenshots remind me of some scenes of the Devil's Playhouse
Back in the day I had an 'lec hate' easter egg in one of my launcher programs - typing in 'save sam and max' or something would change all the images to 'lec-hate' ones. Truly, I was sticking it to the man.
I have ripped these from the old resource file. The gold-man goatse is now saved for posterity.
I wonder if anyone still has any of the LEC hate-images? I certainly remember the gold-guy goatse one.