
Most of us here at Mojo are fans of Telltale's formative years. Those years were interesting to follow, especially the amusing posts by their first blogmaster, Brandon Q. Furguson, the creator of gems of blogging such as Blades of Stenchtar and Blades of Stenchtar II, and his parting wisdom in Blades of Stenchtar III.

He also created a homepage, as his alter-ego, Ted "Theodore" Dudebrough, co-star of Telltale's first game, which provided an amusing peek into the mind of his character, complete with all of the humorously bad page design decisions so common in personal pages of the early internet.

I noticed that the original website,, was available to purchase so I scooped it up and brought it back in all of its original splendor.

I'd like to give a special thanks to Telltale's community media manager, Caroline Liddick, who gave me permission to bring back this site through the archival efforts of my WE Computers Museum.

She's also graciously given me permission to bring back other gems from Telltale's early years, which should be returning sometime this summer.

Leisure Suit Larry is set to return to his adventure game roots for a new outing headed by fledging German studio CrazyBunch. Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry (ugh) is already available for preorder on Steam, and visually it looks impressive, even if Larry looks a lot less short, pudgy, and middle-aged than he used to.
News image
Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry

There's no mention of series creator, Al Lowe, being involved which almost certainly means he isn't. Given the spotted past of LSL games, who knows how this one will turn out, or how it will be received by a modern audience.

As Larry says in the press release: “My new adventure takes me from the end of the ’80s directly into the 21st century and wow, how the world has changed! While my view of the world and women from way back in the 1980s collides with modern reality harder than the breasts of a lusciously stacked blonde jogging along a beach, I’m all set to date my way across the modern world!”

You be the judge!

Thanks to reader Rum Rogers for alerting us to this story.


(Give me a break, I'm too tired to write a proper headline.)

Some outfit called Boss Fight Studio has revealed they will be producing collectible Sam & Max toys.

It's true, you knuckleheads. They've conquered comic books, video games and animation, why not one more medium? Boss Fight Studio will be producing collectible toys based on Steve Purcell's Sam & Max.

That's all I got. Great if you like toys I suppose.

Source: SameDods

Stuart Brown's YouTube channel, "Ahoy", has just released its latest episode, a 75 minute documentary(ish) on everyone's* favorite adventure game, The Secret of Monkey Island.
I've only watched the first 30 mins, but I like what I've seen so far.

Thanks to Threepwood4life to alerting us to this video's existence.
  • Yes, everyone in the whole world.

Source: YouTube


Here at Mojo, some of us quite like Escape from Monkey Island, enough so that three people with unrelated accents came together to gab about the red-headed cousin in the Monkey Island franchise. Join Jason, Remi, and Zaarin as they defend the game, either by downloading the episode, or by subscribing to the greater MojoCast series with these fine feeds (with the caveat that our RSS actually work):


From the incorrigible Mojo Slack channel:

jason [19:04]
Anyone wanna take this one? Artist Scott Campbell Talks Gaming Trends, Double Fine, & Psychonauts 2
Oh, and this! Reboot Develop 2018: Tim Schafer Talks Psychonauts 2, FIG & Esports

I guess we’ll take that one, then, Jason. ¬


The best non-Lego, non-arcade, non-pinball game based on Star Wars: Episode I is now available digitally.*

Star Wars: Episode I Racer is now available from

*It's probably not coincidental that podracing is also the best part of the Star Wars: Episode I film.

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