
Monkey Island Documentary Ahoy! 21 May, 2018 / 8 comments

Stuart Brown's YouTube channel, "Ahoy", has just released its latest episode, a 75 minute documentary(ish) on everyone's* favorite adventure game, The Secret of Monkey Island.
I've only watched the first 30 mins, but I like what I've seen so far.

Thanks to Threepwood4life to alerting us to this video's existence.
  • Yes, everyone in the whole world.

Source: YouTube



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    Rum_Rogers on 13 Jun, 2018, 22:30…
    Pretty brilliant, it's a pity it cites DoTT as subsequent to Sam & Max.
    Baffling inaccuracy, they're generally perfect.
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    Scummbuddy on 28 May, 2018, 17:46…
    Can we forum-talk about the unanswered questions of El Pollo Diablo?? Voodoo lady talks about people being found pecked to death. It's not a storyline that gets resolved. Poor Blondebeard would continue to not be able to serve chicken, or we set him up to think he killed E.P.D. only to be likely killed as he goes back to selling chicken.
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    Scummbuddy on 25 May, 2018, 11:38…
    I was also highly impressed with the production values for the video. And I had also wondered about some of the imagery but assumed were made/fixed for the vid
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 24 May, 2018, 13:08…


    Where exactly are those high-res dial-a-pirate images from?

    They were made for this video. The level of production is a bit insane at times... He opens up Deluxe Paint II with a recreation of a Guybrush sprite at one point, just to illustrate how GB got his name. Nuts.
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    Laserschwert on 24 May, 2018, 10:46…
    Where exactly are those high-res dial-a-pirate images from?
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    Jones Jr on 23 May, 2018, 23:12…
    Made for a couple of enjoyable train trips, very good!
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 23 May, 2018, 22:00…
    It's true, it is a rather good!
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    Scummbuddy on 23 May, 2018, 01:00…
    Wow, that was quite excellent. Well more than just a MI 1 documentary and all the better for it. Well worth a watch by all mixnmojo'rs

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