
Consider this one unexpected...

Probably my main issue with Thimbleweed Park was that playable characters couldn't talk to each other while on the same screen. Well, let us never speak of this oversight again, as Terrible Toybox have added just that: cross-character dialogue. I honestly don't think I've ever seen anything quite like that before as far as a content update is concerned, so chalk it up as a win for the good guys.

And as that wasn't enough, there is a new in-game hint line. Call it up from one of the phones, and hopefully Chester will be on the other end.

These updates should already be available on Steam. Additionally, expect to see the game for iOS and Android "later this summer."

Source: Ronzo


When we‘re not busy making foam art in our lattes, we throw some vinyl on the ol' turntable, and hip it up, just like the “kids” do. Or something like that.

Incidentally, Broken Age‘s soundtrack is available in 12", and thus we decided to give it a listen and a look. Read on and feel appropriately “with it”.


The long-awaited Psychonauts 2 has exited pre-production and has now unambiguously entered that rarefied air of honest-to-George production. I, of course, totally know what that means, but if you don't, here's Tim and project leader Zak McClendon to lay it out:

Double Fine also represented themselves at E3 last week. In a noble rejection of hubris, we held back and let the other gaming sites cover that. But we should point out that during a panel he hosted with Jack Back, Tim asserted that Brutal Legend 2 will happen "someday," noting that it would be "expensive." Fortunately, I was able to interpret this signal correctly, and what was once Remi's plasma is now the first angel investment for Brutal Legend 2.

Source: Gamespot


Nowadays, you can find music from LucasArts games all over the Internet, but back in the 1990s, there was nothing. That is, until 3 May, 1998, when Highland Productions launched. As any self-respecting LucasArts fansite of the day, it was of course hosted by good old Mojo. Highland, along with our other hosted sites, has been absent for a while, but we're now happy to announce that it has returned! And with HTTPS support!

Listen to some good MIDI tunes (and some MP3s)! Marvel at the wonders of late 1990s web design! Read a news page that hasn't been updated since 2001! All that, and more, over at Highland Productions!


29 years after it was shut down, Habitat is set to go live again. The (at the time) groundbreaking online game is considered a bridge between the MUDs (multi user dungeons) of the time to today's MMOG (massively multiplayer online game), and it will relaunch at midnight under the name Neohabitat.

Yeah, I don't even know, but check out more info on the official site, if you so wish.


Hey there! Remember us? We’re still alive, we just find it a lot easier to post to Twitter, because, you know… Never more than 140 characters.

So! Here is a recap of what we have posted there over the last few days.

What would an HD version of Curse of Monkey Island look like? Now you know, thanks to this Tweet from Šarūnas Ledas. (And yes, I did re-tweet it saying somebody should post this on Mojo. Turned out that somebody would be me.)

Zaarin has promised hosted websites (may begin) to reappear this week. Why would you not trust Zaarin? Surely he is not so hateful he wouldn’t make this happen?

Spaff, still working undercover at Double Fine, points us to a Limited Run copy of Broken Age on PS4. You’ll see it, all 4,500 copies worth, in a week. You know, if you’re a completionist type of a person.

Then we canceled the Pari… Wait, no, that was some other Twitter user. :(

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