29 years after it was shut down, Habitat is set to go live again. The (at the time) groundbreaking online game is considered a bridge between the MUDs (multi user dungeons) of the time to today's MMOG (massively multiplayer online game), and it will relaunch at midnight under the name Neohabitat.
Yeah, I don't even know, but check out more info on the official site, if you so wish.
They should perhaps fix that on the official webpage.
I'm not sure what you mean. It is multiplayer. When you log in it will tell you how many people are there. And people can buy land, run businesses, etc - it's just that people haven't seem to have done that in NeoHabitat yet.
They should perhaps fix that on the official webpage.
Hopefully some people will join the nerd club, it looks like it could be fun if you were into C64 back in the days.