
Psychonauts 2 enters production, Brutal Legend 2 doesn't 19 Jun, 2017 / 1 comment

The long-awaited Psychonauts 2 has exited pre-production and has now unambiguously entered that rarefied air of honest-to-George production. I, of course, totally know what that means, but if you don't, here's Tim and project leader Zak McClendon to lay it out:

Double Fine also represented themselves at E3 last week. In a noble rejection of hubris, we held back and let the other gaming sites cover that. But we should point out that during a panel he hosted with Jack Back, Tim asserted that Brutal Legend 2 will happen "someday," noting that it would be "expensive." Fortunately, I was able to interpret this signal correctly, and what was once Remi's plasma is now the first angel investment for Brutal Legend 2.

Source: Gamespot


1 Comment

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    jolly_old_saint on 20 Jun, 2017, 20:31…
    "Expensve." A likely story!

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