
With thirty years under his belt, Tim gets what Tim deserves -- a lifetime achievement award. You already know what those achievements are, of course, though we are pretty sure his numerous Mojo Game of the Year awards are his most cherished memories.

Congratulations, Tim!

Source: GDC


There's not too much to say at this point. If you've liked the previous episodes, you'll like this, and if you haven't... Well, you know. Read the short review if you so will, though!


Sometimes one reads one's RSS feeds, and one is surprised at seeing familiar names. This was the case when a certain "Junaid" popped up over at Cartoon Brew. Correctly deducing there is only one "Junaid" in the world, I decided this is the man you knew not just from Mojo, but also World of Monkey Island. Now he has hit the big time with the animated short, "Short But Sweet".

The movie, described as “a young hero has to embark on an epic quest to save a princess from an evil villain, all within an absurd short amount of time” is pretty delightful, so go watch it over at Cartoon Brew.

Mojo probably should demand royalties for singlehandedly having made our readers arteésts.

Source: Cartoon Brew


We waited, then Jason flipped us all off, announcing that Flavored Nations -- Mojo's Casablanca -- will not be released. Jason's statement was simply, "Sorry." Not unlike Orson Welles and Citizen Kane 2 in other words.

Some hope is still left: "When Bad Asp! gets the Freelance Police source code leaked out. I'll slip you a copy," said the young director.

We wait with bated breath, once again saddened that Jason does not care about Mojo's greater audience.


This email thing -- write us at with news, etc. -- seems to be working out. No longer do we have to spend time finding news; instead people like Mojo-perenial Jones Jr. can email us instead of posting comments in unrelated news-items about what’s going on.

Like "GLide N64" trying to get support to emulate the forgotten classic-is Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine. I mean, god, I haven’t tried to get the game working since about 2002, but here’s your chance -- boot up an N64 emulator and play the game, if you’re willing to pony up the bucks. I think. Something like that. Jones Jr. can correct me, I didn’t read his email that closely.

Back it at Indie Go Go -- Indie/Indy, get it?! -- and Battle for Naboo will be thrown in, too, but we won’t hold supporting that against you or them.


I mean, to be displayed! #clickbait ;D But a good piece of art none-the-less!

An art show called “Fake Theme Parks” is set to open Friday, January 12th at Gallery 1988 in LA. The concept is to show off artworks based on fake amusement parks inspired by Disney Land and Disneyworld, and “Big Whoop” by Scott Balmer is one of the 50-odd works on display.

Our man in LA would be on site had we had a man or woman in LA.

Source: Gizmodo


Looking for a long interview with Bay Area Sound, the production company behind the sound of games like Firewatch and every Telltale game ever? Alternative Magazine Online has you covered with their conversation with the outfit. Firefox's Reader View has it clocked in at between "38-49 minutes", so yeah. Make sure you got some time.

Source: Alternative Magazine Online

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