
If you've ever wished to fire up the original LucasArts classic space combat simulator X-Wing and are dismayed at the DOS version's low-res graphics, or the XWING95's lack of iMuse soundtrack, then Azrapse might be a modder you'd like to keep your eye on.
In a similar manner to the the way the XL Engine runs the original Dark Forces game files in an enhanced way, this XWVM mod uses a Unity based engine to interpret and run the original X-Wing game files.

Source: Mod DB

The team behind the fan remake of Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis released a 7 room demo in late November, so Mojo keeps up its fine tradition of being behind the cutting edge of LucasArts related news. Months behind.

The file is around half a gig, so if you have the time and hard drive space, give it go. There are PC and Mac versions available, plus a demo of the circular stones, if that floats your boat.
To give feedback, or simply follow the project's development, check out the game's Facebook page.
Here's the download link again in case you can't be bothered looking back through the first paragraph for it. Keeping Mojo traditions alive into 2017 and beyond...

Source: Facebook


Sure, the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade graphic adventure has been available from Steam since forever, but I know you kids love things that are DRM-free, so consider yourselves accommodated. And just like the Steam version, you get the unabridged Grail Diary in all its .pdf glory.

There was a time when GOG was releasing LEC games more regularly, then that all stopped, and if you think that wasn't the consequence of a sinister, labyrinthine conspiracy, get a clue. But does the unceremonious appearance of Last Crusade signal that the seal has been broken again? We still need Monkey Island 3 and 4 up there, bare minimum.

Source: GOG


From Telltale to Trump to ATM… It was a year! And thus we review it.



Festivus is over lads, so back to work. Earlier this week, Gamecrate asked Bill Tiller a few questions about his career. Among other things the interview gives us an idea of when Duke Grabowski Episode 2 will drop.

So, when is the second episode of Duke Grabowski: Mighty Swashbuckler due out?
We're planning on five episodes. The plan is to have the second episode come out in the Spring. I've already written it, and we're doing pre-production on it now, and have some sketches done, as well as some of the puzzles.

Check out the full interview here.

Source: Gamecrate


Bill has published a holiday update on the Duke Grabowski Kickstarter page, unveiling the title ("Debonair Corsair") and the status of Episode 2. Hey, I'm just glad it's still happening.

There's more, like a peek at one of the backgrounds and a status on the remaining backer rewards, but why listen to my descriptions of what you can live yourself.

Source: Kickstarter


If I know you, you're going to want to give this a watch.

Source: Youtube


You remember Benzo from such software as Quick and Easy, but that was back then. Now he has joined the ranks of Jake and other former Mojo drones by releasing a game of his own: a remake of the Amiga classic Atoms.

Currently only available for Android, you can run and download the game, and then cuss yourself for not having done more with your life.


We're sure at least four of you will log in and do this. Vote. For. Mojo. Game. Of. The. Year.

How to vote? Who knows, I can't remember how to put it into a news story! But, try logging in and voting through the menu at the right, and you should be OK.

And feel free to view the previous poll.


Over in the the comments, the ever observant (or so we assume) jolly_old_saint points out that all of the Sam & Max seasons, as well as Tales of Monkey Island have been removed from their online store.

What the actual eff?

Are they needing space for the oh so adult takes on Batman and family friendly funsies with Minecraft? The fact that you can still get the two aforementioned series on Steam could suggest this is just a clerical or technical mistake, as the oldest game listed on TTG's site is Strong Bad.

If they actually are gone, though, it seems only right to pour one out for two of Telltale's best series of games.

Update! Sam & Max is back; ToMI is not. The cover-up continues!


Yeah, I don't know what PSX is either, but Psychonauts: Rhombus of Ruin was apparently available to play there, and consequently a bunch of new previews popped up. Here's a list:

- GamesRadar
- Game Revolution
- Blasting News

Boy, that sure seems like some kind of video game!


The screenshots compare classic mode to the remastered version. Head on over to IGN to see them.

Source: IGN


Let's get right to it.

Gonna be a treat to hear Roy Conrad's gravelly voice uncompressed after all these years.

Source: Youtube


Just as you had popped enough "Forget Me Nows" to block out the most awkward sex scene seen in a video game—that's in Batman if you're keeping score—Telltale comes prancing in, showing off its latest creative take on an existing IP…


You probably remember watching Brian Moriarty's superb Loom post-mortem which debuted at GDC 2015. If you haven't seen it, you're encouraged to do so. At the end, Moriarty threw out the names of a few studios (including Double Fine and Telltale) he considered ideal collaborators for a Loom sequel, essentially extending an invitation to them to get him on the horn.

Moriarty has given his talk a few more times since, including at an expo in Argentina this past March. At the end of that talk, he mentioned that some discussions took place with some of those studios. When pressed for details, he offered this. Watch it before proceeding.

I'm dubious of the claim that Double Fine had specifically optioned Loom along with the Tim Schafer relevant IPs, and more so of the idea that Double Fine ever actually committed resources toward a Loom project before learning that this supposed option had expired. And if Brian's got the facts right, and Disney's claiming someone else has an exclusive on Loom, who the hell could it possibly be? Of the precious few studios likely to be interested in the property, I can't think of one that would wish to shut Moriarty out. Sounds to me like someone's getting the runaround here, or maybe there's just some miscommunication.

Moriarty also gets probed a little bit about The Dig, but the Q&A - the online version, anyway - gets suspiciously interrupted just before he can detail how his version would have ended. Can't wait to hear ATM's take on this and how it might fit in with your post-war commie conspiracy.

Update: Mild correction. It seems the Argentina talk actually happened in late 2015, rather than this year.

Source: Youtube

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