- Page 1 After Fate of Atlantis
- Page 2 A Post-War Indy
- Page 3 Design Interrupted
- Page 4 Programmers and Palettes Stretched Thin
- Page 5 Blame Canada
- Page 6 "Our situation has not improved."
- Page 7 A Comic Consolation Prize
- Page 8 "It belongs in a museum!"
- Page 9 Resources, Sources, and Thanks
- Page 10 But wait! There's more.

Indiana Jones and the Iron Phoenix: The Lost Sequel to Fate of Atlantis Resources, Sources, and Thanks
In preparing this article, new interviews were conducted with Aric Wilmunder and Anson Jew. Their responses take the form of most of the pull-quotes throughout the article. For posterity, I've posted my raw Q&A with Anson here. With Aric, my correspondence ended up being more conversational and long-running, resulting in valuable info but not something that can be neatly collected into a Q&A interview format. Rest assured, however, that his Iron Phoenix related insights all made it into the article.
For additional sources - particularly quotes from Hal Barwood, who was kind enough to return my email but confessed that his memory fails him with regard to Iron Phoenix - we have relied on several older articles and features published by other sites which you'll find linked throughout the article and compiled here:
Aventura y CÍA - Dated May 2008, this was the most in-depth article about Iron Phoenix for a long time.
TheIndyExperience.Com - Conducted October 2004, this is the source of some quotes about the game from Hal Barwood.
PC Games That Weren't (Archived) - Dated 2006, this article is the original source of the colored Bill Stoneham backgrounds.
Adventure-Treff (Archived) - Dated July 2007, this contains further quotes from Hal Barwood about the game.
TheRaider.net - Another Hal Barwood interview, conducted December 2008. The game, erroneously referred to as the Spear of Destiny, is briefly referred to. The Willie Scott screen grab also comes from TheRaider.net, still the best online Indy resource of all.
Aventura y CÍA - Conducted March 206, this interview contains Brian Moriarty's confirmation of the Young Indy game.
GDC Vault: Classic Game Postmortem - The official video of Brian Moriarty's hour-long presentation about Loom, twenty-five years after release. Moriarty's a fabulous orator, and his anecdotes about the making of the game are a treasure. It's included here as the source for the claim that Moriarty chose not to pursue the Loom sequels himself, a decision he now regrets.
Finally, here are two brief videos Anson Jew shared on Youtube awhile back. The reels include some visuals from cancelled LucasArts projects amongst other rarities. Included are peeks at Moriarty-era The Dig and the Hitler obliteration animation from Iron Phoenix.
Our heartfelt thanks to Bill Stoneham, Anson Jew, Hal Barwood, and especially Aric Wilmunder, who scanned all the Iron Phoenix documents he could find and more or less made this article possible. Check out his site, Aric's World, for those and other rare LucasArts artifacts. Here are individual links to his Iron Phoenix documents for convenience:
- The Design Document- The Cast
- Background and Storyboard Sketches 1
- Background and Storyboard Sketches 2
- Background and Storyboard Sketches 3