- Page 1 After Fate of Atlantis
- Page 2 A Post-War Indy
- Page 3 Design Interrupted
- Page 4 Programmers and Palettes Stretched Thin
- Page 5 Blame Canada
- Page 6 "Our situation has not improved."
- Page 7 A Comic Consolation Prize
- Page 8 "It belongs in a museum!"
- Page 9 Resources, Sources, and Thanks
- Page 10 But wait! There's more.

Indiana Jones and the Iron Phoenix: The Lost Sequel to Fate of Atlantis But wait! There's more.
Eight years after this article was published, Aric Wilmunder sat down for a four-and-a-half-hour interview about Indiana Jones and the Iron Phoenix. So if you got to the end of this article hungry for more, here's one heckuva postscript: