
Happy birthday to The Monkey Island SCUMM Bar, who has turned six years old today! The SCUMM bar is probably the oldest site left active in the community. Its existence pre-dates Mojo's by a little less than a year from the sound of it (we're about five years old). Since you all love them (or at least act like it when they're around), go stop by the SCUMM Bar and give them your best.

That's right, with the conclusion of the tenth episode, Tierra De Los Muertos is now available for preorder on CD. This CD contains the digitally-remastered, much-better-than-mp3 version of the entire series, and 8 of 12, the man behind the magic, really wants to make it worth every penny. Click here to find out about all the details, and to read up about the preorder giveaway! Yeah, you like that.

I noticed this a few days ago, but forgot to mention it until now. Monkey Mug, The fairly new Monkey Island fan site (located at suffered a brutal attack on it's webspace not long ago. Blaze Marley-Flamestrike, the site's webmistress, has forwarded all domain pointers to Mixnmojo for the time being. We at Mojo wish Blaze the best of luck on the repair and recovery of her site.

Skyfox, over at The SCUMM Bar has written an article about a recent trip to the Barbican Museum to visit their 'Game On' exhibit. More importantly, of course, was the fact that he met up with LucasArts' PR guru, Tom Sarris, and Mixnmojo's own Spaff and Lemonhead at this event. Go read about their wacky adventures!

Nightlight Productions has released the final episode of Tierra de los Muertos, a radio drama set in a world similar to Grim Fandango's Land of the Dead, but with an entirely different cast. You can grab it here.

For those of you who haven't checked this series out, or who may have missed an episode, they are all available for a limited time in the archives. If you're interested in what Nightlight Productions is doing, and want to give your support/feedback for specific episodes or the whole series, check out their forum.

Also be sure to stay tuned for the next Nightlight Production: The Lost Cause: There's No Hope, a Star Wars parody, already in production. The first episode is set to air in 10 days!

Okay, I'll make this short and sweet so people don't get tired of seeing us repeat this. Adventure Developers has published Adventure Game Tip Number 4, which gives design advice from Bill Tiller and Larry Ahern. Be sure to keep and eye on this page for the remaining 17 helpful tips in the coming weeks, as this is probably the last time we'll draw attention to it. After all, we wouldn't want to become too predictable!

That old fart of a Monkey Island fansite, The SCUMM Bar has a brand new design. Well, it's not entirely new, but it is a huge step up from their old (placeholder) design, and combines many familiar elements of old designs. Go take a look.

Shifting the regularity of their appearance from almost never to frequent, Adventure Developers has put up part three of Bill Tiller and also Larry Ahern's Adventure Game Tips series. The series is a collection of short pointers aimed to help new and amateur adventure game developers avoid design pitfalls.

Our friends at Adventure Developers have published Adventure Game Tip #2, written by Bill Tiller with Larry Ahern. The duo, in case you don't know, were responsible for The Curse of Monkey Island's art direction and design. Click here if you want some suggestions on how to make an entertaining and non-frustrating adventure game.

There's a new version of the popular software, LEC Quick and Easy available with several new features, including support for the CD version of Loom. For those who haven't heard of LEC Q+E, This program was written by bgbennyboy, and helps people running on NT-based OSes (Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP) play classic LEC adventures with full audio and music. Grab it!

Update: There's also a new version of ScummVM Quick & Easy available for those of us with Windows 98/Me.

Source: SCUMM Bar :)


In case you missed this one, our own LucasTones has posted an article concerning the upcoming film based on the Disney theme park ride, Pirates of the Caribbean. The article discusses the connections between the ride and Monkey Island as well as providing an overview of what we know about the movie thus far. Also, for those of you who haven't been on the ride, you can find a lot of Pirates of the Caribbean pictures, video, music, and more. Check it out. It's more fun than gettin' drunk with pigs. Yarrrr!

As many of you noticed, LucasForums suffered its worst outtage in quite some time these past couple days. Thanks to DJG (as usual), they are back up and running, narrowly avoiding a third straight day of downtime. So go post already!

An additional note to Mixnmojo (and LFN) hosted webmasters: Your FTP accounts should be working again as well. Sorry for the inconvenience.

That's right, another new hosted site has hit the scene. This time it's Ryback's site, LucasArts Fiction, or LucasFic for short. It's been around since 1998, and is just now debuting on Mojo.

Lucasfic houses a large amount of fan fiction based around the LEC universe. In addition to this, the site also features fanfic-related news. Make sure to check it out, and give LucasFic and its webmaster a warm welcome.

Our own World of Monkey Island has recently posted the 16th page of their Monkey Island 1 Comic. The comic, if you don't know, is drawn by community artist Paco Vink (who incidentally also drew the Robox vs Fat Skeleton Guy poll illustration) and looks very, very sweet... well, in my opinion at least. Click here to view the goodness.

Ben Whatsisname, community veteran and webmaster of The Kickstand, has gotten his new project hosted on Mixnmojo. Mindbent: The Center For Alien Mind Control is a site devoted entirely to the Zany LucasArts classic, Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders. Please be sure to visit!

Point your cursors towards Adventure Developer(s), the oft-overlooked Mojo network site, as it is BACK. Aye, it has returned, and is featuring lots of features and a brand new design. All of the old features, such as the first Tiller Techniques by Bill Tiller, and the entire Eye on Amateur Adventure series by Yahtzee, have returned at long last. There are several new featured articles as well, including the long-awaited second installment of Tiller Techniques.

Taxicab and Courthold have done a great job bringing together version two-point-oh, so be sure to pay the site repeated visits(!!!). Also there are forums.

The Brimstone Beach Club has officially started it's Open Week & Treasure hunt. It's a great chance to visit some MI/LEC sites around the community that you might not be familiar with, and of course to have fun and win some nice prizes. So get going!

Evan Dickens has written a great new feature for Adventure Gamers having to do with how fans (over)react to upcoming adventure titles. This one hits painfully close to home, folks, but it's all in good fun. Have a read!

In an unrelated (no, really!) bit of news, some of our dedicated fans have been having trouble accessing the mojo forums. That's because the subdomain doesn't work at the moment. To get to the forums, click on this whining sound effect: *whine*

CaptainDread has informed us that LucasRadio is back, hopefully for good. LucasRadio is a SHOUTcast streaming audio broadcast that plays various kinds of LucasArts related music and remixes. However, there are also the occassional weird Star Wars parody songs as well. In theory, the broadcast should run 24/7, but you never know about these things. Give a listen!

Quick note here: Two forums in the community have been redesigned. You will look at them immediately.

Firstly, radio-drama maker Nightlight Productions has a new layout for its hosted forum. It could really use some love from the community. :)

Secondly, the Full Throttle forum (home to fans of the Kickstand and Polecats Lounge) got a makeover as well, and could also use some new visitors.

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