
Monkey Mug Hacked. 13 Sep, 2002, 20:13 / 3 comments

I noticed this a few days ago, but forgot to mention it until now. Monkey Mug, The fairly new Monkey Island fan site (located at suffered a brutal attack on it's webspace not long ago. Blaze Marley-Flamestrike, the site's webmistress, has forwarded all domain pointers to Mixnmojo for the time being. We at Mojo wish Blaze the best of luck on the repair and recovery of her site.


  • Coolbonesite on 14 Sep, 2002, 09:41…
    You know... I worked there, too. Anyways, just letting you folks know that Project Shadow is currently on my site, TBSE (
  • Gabez on 14 Sep, 2002, 06:02…
    Yeah, and all the MM hosted sites were attacked too.
  • MonkeyMug on 13 Sep, 2002, 21:28…
    Thankz guys.