
Well, the wrong Halloween, but then, what is the right Halloween?

Only a year too late, here is our review of Costume Quest 2! Read it, and fall in love with the game yet again!


Dave Grossman's annual gnarling of a hapless pumpkin continues. Visit the Pumpkin House of Horrors and scroll down for this year's entry, "Tooth Decay."

They build cages for people like you, Dave.

Source: The Pumpkin House of Horrors


For awhile it seemed like Telltale's excellent re-release of the excellent Sam & Max compendium Surfin' the Highway had gone out-of-print and had joined the original 1995 printing as a regrettably elusive comic book gem synonymous with eBay gougers and gnashing of teeth.

We're happy to report that this isn't the case! The collection is available at its reasonable original list price ($19.99) courtesy of the Cartoon Art Museum, a lovely institution with whom former Telltale marketing guru Joel Dreskin is known to collaborate. He was involved, for instance, with the Sam & Max exhibit that was set up at the physical museum for the characters' 25th anniversary.

You want more? The museum is also selling a holiday card set which includes one of Purcell's Sam & Max classics. So go buy cool stuff and support the museum in the process. Surfin' the Highway is the Christmas gift your mom secretly wants but was too afraid to ask for. She shook me awake to tell me so. Cut her a break!

Source: Cartoon Art Museum


I mean, sure, you've seen everything that's on there, but it's the principle of the thing! An official web site for an official Day of the Tentacle upgrade exists, and damn it you're gonna go, and you're gonna LIKE IT!



In a very surprise release, the second episode of Minecraft: Story Mode is out already. It's available now for Xbox 360 and Xbox One and will be out for most other platforms later today. It will be released for Android and iOS devices on Thursday.

The season pass disc, a retail disc for consoles that includes the first episode on the disc and the ability to download the other episodes as DLC as they're released, is also in stores today.


Jason might live in the past, but some of us look ahead, all the way to this week. Here's our review of the last episode of Tales from the Borderlands. It might not be Day of the Tentacle good, but then, neither is Jason.



Oh boy oh boy! Double Fine's released six high-resolution screenshots from Day of the Tentacle: Remastered, which you may recall as the sole remaining justification for this web site. Just look at all this justification, fans!

Day of the Tentacle: Remastered (Screenshots)

The following features had been hinted at, but are now confirmed:

  • Upgraded audio (details are faint)

- Commentary that includes Tim Schafer, Dave Grossman, Larry Ahern, Peter Chan, Peter McConnell and Clint Bajakian.
- Toggle feature to switch back and forth between classic and remastered mode.
- The inclusion of Maniac Mansion as a game-within-a-game will be preserved.
- Maybe more!

The release platforms are PC, Mac, PS4 and Vita. The release window is early 2016. So we'll be around until then.


Is this what Day of the Tentacle: Remastered (note the name change) really looks like:?

News image

Probably. The attendees of Indiecade will find out for sure tomorrow, and the internet seven seconds after. For now, OH MY GOD!

Day of the Tentacle: Remastered, the reason Mojo even bothers paying for the domain and reason Gabez stubbornly refuses to bite down on the cyanide capsule under his molar*, will be improving your lives sometime in the near future. We will do our best to cover the imminent media and information dispersal, though our best isn't usually that impressive.

*Just kidding, he died in agony long ago.


It seems that Telltale is going full out publisher now, with a new Telltale Publishing label.

They last published Hector: Badge of Carnage in 2011, but that was apparently actually co-developed by them. Telltale designers Dave Grossman and Mark Darin are credited with design on episodes 2 and 3.

The Jackbox Party Pack appears to be a completely different situation altogether, as The Jackbox Party Pack was already developed and published digitally by Jackbox Games. Telltale is simply handling publishing on disc.

This definitely shows how far Telltale has grown, as even after the success of The Walking Dead, they still had some of their own games published on disc by other publishers. Law & Order: Legacies was published on disc for Windows by Avanquest Software in November 2012, shortly before the release of the final episode of The Walking Dead: Season One. They are now large enough that they publish all of their titles on computers and consoles, and now have begun publishing games developed by other companies as well.


Double Fine is returning for their third annual Day of the Devs. This year, they'll be showing Day of the Tentacle: Special Edition for the first time at the event.

Other games on display at the event will include ABZÛ, ADR1FT, Badblood, Below, Botolo, Burly Men at Sea, Death's Gambit, Donut County, Fantastic Contraption, Gang Beasts, Gnog, Hyper Light Drifter, Night in the Woods, Outer Wilds, Overland, Oxenfree, Pit People, Rising Thunder, Scale, Secret Legend, Sound Self, Spy Party, Tacoma, Thumper, Tilt Brush, Wattam, What Remains of Edith Finch, and Witchmarsh.

It will be held on November 7th from 3PM to 9PM PST at the Midway in San Francisco, and once again admission is free. RSVP for the event at their Facebook events page.

Source: Kolzig


The first episode of Telltale's Minecraft: Story Mode is available today. On top of that, Back to the Future: The Game - 30th Anniversary Edition, the remaster of the game with improved textures and Tom Wilson as Biff, has been released as well.

Clearing up a few misconceptions about the game from early press about the remaster, Tom Wilson only plays Biff Tannen. Owen Thomas still plays Kid Tannen and Beauregard Tannen, and Andrew Chaikin still plays Cliff and Riff.


The latest edition of the Campo Santo Quarterly Review (like The Paris Review, but considerably less New Yorkish) has some news: Firewatch, Campo Santo's first game, releases on PC, PS4, Mac, and Linux February 9th, 2016. And I'd be awesomely excited if I wasn't already awesomely excited. Check your emails for the big news.

(Those of who you don't find the big news in their emails ought to subscribe to the Campo Santo Quarterly Review.)

Firewatch is being developed by a rag-tag crew of the ex-Telltale Gamesies who turned your heart to putty in The Walking Dead: Season One, including ex-Mixnmojo Jake Rodkin. A first person adventure game, it concerns a fire lookout in the Wyoming wilderness at a time when things seem to be going rather...awry.

How awry? Find-out this February!

(And then tell those of us who can't afford a system good enough to play the thing.)


Brad Muir, known for Massive Chalice, our last face-to-face interview, and an affable smile has left Double Fine for some start-up called Valve. I know, right? That's about it, really… He shall be missed, but hey! What an excuse to re-read the aforementioned interview!


What happens when a bunch of talented people get together to try and decide to update a game they love? If you're lucky a few screenshots, a news update or two, and then silence. But every so often something miraculous happens.

Today a group of Double Fine fans, calling themselves Derelict Games, released an unofficial v1.07 patch for Spacebase DF9, bringing out the following cool new features:

* Bug Fixes!
* 2 new O2 Generators!
* 2 new Power Generators!
* A new Jukebox for the Bar!
* Squads! allows for multiple teams of security to handle multiple areas simultaneously
* New Events! none of the same boring ones over and over again.
* Many new sicknesses! be prepared for space dysentery and the dreaded THING!
* Janitors! let them get rid of the dead bodies piling up because doctors are too lazy!
* Better Modability! code changes mean making your characters more easily modded!
* Garden Pods no longer require empty space around them! nomnomnom

A v1.08 patch is apparently not far off, and after they're done with Spacebase DF9, who knows? They're talking about the possibility of releasing their own games. Like I said, miraculous.

The v1.07 Spacebase DF9 patch is available now from Spacebase Hub, with the source code release coming soon.

Update: They've just released v1.07.1 (bug fixes)

Source: SpacebaseHub


Telltale has released the launch trailer for the first episode of Minecraft Story Mode, which is set to debut on the 13th of this month. You can view the trailer below, or directly here, if the embedding doesn't work for you.


Double Fine Adventure, the documentary by 2 Player Productions that gives great insight into the making of Broken Age, is now available on Steam. It's currently 66% off as a launch sale price.

Broken Age is also currently 66% off on Steam, and is available in a bundle with the soundtrack and documentary here.

In addition, the Free Games in October For PlayStation Plus Members will include Broken Age for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita.


The Kickstarter for the third and final chapter of "The Journey Down", the awesome African themed adventure game inspired by classic adventure games such as Monkey Island and Grim Fandango is now live!


Four games from Telltale's puzzle era have been released on, DRM-free: Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People, Hector: Badge of Carnage, Puzzle Agent, and Puzzle Agent 2. They're currently available to purchase in a launch sale bundle for up to 74% off regular price if you purchase all four.

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