
Day of the Tentacle update renamed, looks amazing 23 Oct, 2015 / 1 comment

Is this what Day of the Tentacle: Remastered (note the name change) really looks like:?

Probably. The attendees of Indiecade will find out for sure tomorrow, and the internet seven seconds after. For now, OH MY GOD!

Day of the Tentacle: Remastered, the reason Mojo even bothers paying for the domain and reason Gabez stubbornly refuses to bite down on the cyanide capsule under his molar*, will be improving your lives sometime in the near future. We will do our best to cover the imminent media and information dispersal, though our best isn't usually that impressive.

*Just kidding, he died in agony long ago.


1 Comment

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    Laserschwert on 23 Oct, 2015, 23:28…
    More Screenshots:

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