
We mentioned this on Twitter (which we intend on using until the White House shuts it down) but seeing Rum_Rogers threatened to break up with us, we'll mention it here, too: Ronzo has released Delores's source code. For free. On GitHub. If that means anything to you, then great. If not, then go about your life like the rest of us, and enjoy your freedoms while you have them.

Anonymous Mojo Glitterati

Say what you like about Ronzo, the man can code


You may our may not have seen/heard this one before, but either way, why not relive the proof-of-concept voice-over for Monkey Island 2?

Source: Video Game History Foundation


Double Fine's Rad, published last year to critical acclaim, is going for pretty dang cheap right now over on Humble Bandai Namco Bundle 4. The average price keeps changing, but currently anything above €8.60 gets you Rad plus a slew of other games, including an entry in the Katamari Damacy series. It's never been more affordable.

Rad is an isometric roguelike about a hero searching a post-apocalyptic wasteland for "respirators," which may restore civilisation in the wake of an apocalypse. Feels prescient. I haven't heard whether there's a pitchfork mob high on hydroxychloroquine out yelling something about reopening the economy despite it killing people, but you can let us know if there is by trying the game yourself.

Source: Humble Bundle


Well, here's one for the quarantine dwellers: Ronzo's prototype for a new adventure game interface has all of a sudden morphed into a small adventure game: Delores: A Thimbleweed Park Mini-Adventure. Read all about it, then get it from Steam or Epic Store. For free. How can you lose?


For those who don't Twitter:

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That's two hours from now, so find a comfy chair.

Source: Twitter

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