
"A Thimbleweed Park Mini-Adventure" released for free 09 May, 2020 / 15 comments

Well, here's one for the quarantine dwellers: Ronzo's prototype for a new adventure game interface has all of a sudden morphed into a small adventure game: Delores: A Thimbleweed Park Mini-Adventure. Read all about it, then get it from Steam or Epic Store. For free. How can you lose?



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    ThunderPeel2001 on 18 May, 2020, 13:42…

    Scott S

    Really nice to get this free expansion to Thimbleweed Park. Gutted there's no save game though as I really can't be bothered to play for long at a time.

    There's an automatic save every 5 photos. So about every 30 mins.

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    Scott S on 17 May, 2020, 14:31…
    Really nice to get this free expansion to Thimbleweed Park. Gutted there's no save game though as I really can't be bothered to play for long at a time.
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    Threepwood4life on 17 May, 2020, 08:08…
    Not sure if anyone has seen but IGN did a Full Throttle 25th Anniversary live stream this week with Tim Schafer on theor channel Double Fines channel and in the video, Schafer announced with Double Fine been part of Microsoft, later this year all the previously released remasters (Full Throttle, DOTT and Grim Fandango) will now be released on Xbox
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    Scummbuddy on 16 May, 2020, 19:28…



    Jake is streaming Monkey Island 2 right now!

    Well, it appears to be more MI 1, but it was labeled as MI2...

    And... he switched to MI2
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    Scummbuddy on 16 May, 2020, 18:45…


    Jake is streaming Monkey Island 2 right now!

    Well, it appears to be more MI 1, but it was labeled as MI2...
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    Scummbuddy on 16 May, 2020, 18:43…
    Jake is streaming Monkey Island 2 right now!
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    Scummbuddy on 15 May, 2020, 22:43…


    So, it looks like some hip-hop band used MI2's cemetery music as a base for a song.

    It's no 'Oh Good Ale Thou Art My Darling'... :)
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    Rum_Rogers on 15 May, 2020, 18:41…


    Kinda weird, but is it wrong that I kinda like it? Hip hop's grown on me recently, thanks in large part to Hamilton. I don't understand the language it's in but I quite like the beat.

    Nah I wouldn't say it's wrong, just blasphemous... Just kidding Ozzie! :P
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    OzzieMonkey on 15 May, 2020, 09:36…


    So, it looks like some hip-hop band used MI2's cemetery music as a base for a song.

    Kinda weird, but is it wrong that I kinda like it? Hip hop's grown on me recently, thanks in large part to Hamilton. I don't understand the language it's in but I quite like the beat.
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    Rum_Rogers on 14 May, 2020, 12:24…
    So, it looks like some hip-hop band used MI2's cemetery music as a base for a song.
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 10 May, 2020, 18:58…
    That was fun. Give it a go if you haven't already!
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 10 May, 2020, 12:11…
    (But still awesome for Ronzo to do this.)
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 10 May, 2020, 12:11…
    I wonder if it adds any sort of ending to Thimbleweed Park. I guess it won't :(
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    Kolzig on 09 May, 2020, 19:48…
    bordok, it's not the main game. It's a new mini adventure that is not a sequel to Thimbleweed Park, but an addendum to Thimbleweed Park as Ron wrote.
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    bordok on 09 May, 2020, 19:11…
    What the frak. I just paid 8 euros for it.

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