Telltale has put up a gameplay video for Abe Lincoln Must Die! which sees the Freelance Police trying to talk their way into the White House. See it at the game's official site.

Lots of new characters, lots of new locations, and the most terrifying US President since, well since the current one I guess.
Episode 4 hits GameTap on February 22 and Worldwide release on March 8.
Stand at attention and go watch the trailer right now
Edit by Udvarnoky: There's no point in making a new post to point out that the ninth machinima short, "The Blank Blank Blank", is now on Gametap. And now, back to your regularly scheduled assassination!
Source: Telltale Games
Back to your regularly scheduled Telltale Games news... their jobs page is now listing a Xbox 360 Systems Programmer. Whatsoever could this mean?
Thanks again to numble for the tipoff.
Source: Telltale games
No, not Telltale's 'Secret Project', but a secret project for Telltale. Telltale games forum regular numble has let us know about The Savage Critic(s)' til-now secret contribution to the writing of Sam & Max episodes.
It was a pretty intimidating gig, considering I'd never written for video games, had no programming experience, and was working on two of my favorite characters of all time, and it was strange coming into a game where everything was all mapped out, and only funny dialogue needed to be provided. But I'm pretty happy with the result. I guess Telltale was too, because I also ended up contributing to the dialogues for Episode 2, Situation Comedy. (I thought about making this announcement back when Episode 2 came out but considering I had even less to do with it than Episode 3, I thought I'd wait.) What made the difference is that Dave and Brendan are incredibly great guys--funny, and smart (to which their writing on Episode 1--and the resulting GDC nomination for Best Game Writing--will attest) and also patient and gracious...You can read the whole piece right here.
Source: The Savage Critic(s)
With thanks to numble of the Telltale forums for the tipoff, Gamers With Jobs has an audio podcast featuring an interview with Telltale's Dan Connors.
Today we're joined by Dan Connors, the CEO of Telltale Games and executive producer of the Sam & Max episodes! We also delve into a bunch of new titles and some of our favorite classic games of all time. An excellent thread of the week, email and even a look at the seedy underbelly of Vanguard.The Connors bit starts around the 23 minute mark.
Source: Gamers With Jobs
Today is the day that the third Sam & Max episode, The Mole, the Mob and the Meatball is available on Telltale's site. At the time of this writing the game is up for download for full season subscribers, and will be made available as a standalone purchase soon. But since all of you reading this are loyal fans who pre-ordered, go and get your game!
And after you're done cracking the case of Ted E. Bear, be sure to check out the latest Sam & Max short, "Coffee," which is available for viewing right now on Gametap or in a few days on the official Sam & Max sites.
The Double Fine Company Store has entered a new realm of awesome by offering Milkman Conspiracy Buttons, which couldn't be any cooler a product unless it was these Milkman Conspiracy Refrigerator Magnets. Also Marek of Idle Thumbs fame noticed that Tim will be the host of the GDC awards.
You know, GDC, the event we told you to attend because Telltale will be presenting there, and will also be winning the award they were nominated for? Don't miss the opportunity to see Tim Schafer hand out an award for a Sam & Max game, yours for only $1675!
Despite a persistent, confusing list of contrasting release dates, Amazon claims that the PS2 version of CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder is now shipping. Retail price is $19.99. The release date for the new CSI game, Hard Evidence, has not yet been officially announced but March 13 is the date that keeps getting tossed around.
It's called "Interrogation," and it's an educational clip about how to break the will, or maybe just the bones, of devious criminal suspects, Freelance Police style. Look for it to show up on Telltale's recently reinvigorated Interim Theater and Gametap's Sam & Max site soonish.
And hey, check out the Gametap main page for the allegedly "Top 5 Most Played" games on the service. A Sam & Max episode has almost always been on there since the season started. What does that mean, if anything? Well, it can't be bad.
Update: The short is now on Telltale's site as well. Telltale has also updated their blog with a writeup about the shorts, revealing that the latest was written by Steve Purcell himself.
The news the Nintendo fans have been waiting for (well, almost). Telltale are looking to hire a Wii developer with a love of adventure games.
We have an immediate opening for a Wii Systems Programmer. This position will be responsible for implementing our core 3D graphics and audio systems on the Wii. This is a full time position at our San Rafael location.If your Wii programming skills aren't quite up to scratch, maybe a QA / Playtester would be more your scene...
Source: Telltale Games
I don't lie. Why don't you patient non-Gametappers check out a review or two while waiting for that wide release? Or don't and remain spoiler-free.
And as an added bonus, Telltale has put up some more Sam & Max tracks for your listening pleasure, including one from episode 3. (It's not the track, but it is indeed great.)
This year's Game Developers Conference will feature a session called "Episodic Gaming for Indies" hosted by Telltale's Dave Grossman and Kevin Bruner. So if you've got nothing better to do than be in San Francisco on March 5th with the means to get into the event, you should probably look into attending that.
Up today is the latest Machinima short, "Kitchen Consequential," which you'll be happy to know features at least one Monkey Island 1 reference. Speaking of the shorts, Telltale is supposed to have a downloadable gallery up in the near future. In the meantime, non-Gametappers should keep an eye on Gametap's Sam & Max page, as the shorts have been showing up there in a timely fashion.
And as you can't possibly not know, Episode 3 premieres on Gametap one week from now and will show up on Telltale's site 15 days later. It's like it's episodic or something!
ActionTrip recently chatted with Dave Grossman about the Sam & Max games, including the soon to be released third episode.
ActionTrip: Without revealing too much of the plot, can you tell us what Ep. 3 is about?If Sam shooting somebody isn't enough to make you read the rest, there's no help for you.
Dave Grossman: Sam and Max go in search of a missing mole and have to infiltrate the Toy Mafia to find him. There are gruff guys in pin-stripe suits and an antique meatball sandwich, and Sam has to shoot somebody he likes.
Update: If you're done with that one and think you can somehow handle more, why not check out this other Dave Grossman interview courtesy of the crazy knuckleknobs at ComputerAndVideoGames?
You say "late" we say "perfect timing."
Granted, the vast majority of you might already have made up your minds about Situation: Comedy or at least have decided if you want to buy it or not. That, however, should not stop you from showing some love to our very own Udvarnoky who has written his first review, and it's a classic in its own right.
Read review and then play the game. Everybody wins.
Telltale's got some screenshots and a gameplay video up for The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball. Want to get a glimpse of how Sam and Max tackle the fiends of the Ted E. Bear Mafia-Free Playland and Casino? Look no further.
I knew Boris Krinkle was in on it!
The fifth machinima, "Egregious Philosophy Platter," was put up on Gametap Thursday. Unless you're not a Gametap subscriber and are waiting for it to be posted online in the coming days, there's no reason for you to not be watching it.
GameTap have revealed the titles of the next three Sam & Max episodes;
1. Culture ShockHmmm. Intriguing...
2. Situation: Comedy
3. The Mole, The Mob and the Meatball
4. Abe Lincoln Must Die!
5. Reality 2.0
6. (tba)
Source: Gametap