
Seventh Sam & Max short now on Gametap 02 Feb, 2007, 00:18 / 0 comments

It's called "Interrogation," and it's an educational clip about how to break the will, or maybe just the bones, of devious criminal suspects, Freelance Police style. Look for it to show up on Telltale's recently reinvigorated Interim Theater and Gametap's Sam & Max site soonish.

And hey, check out the Gametap main page for the allegedly "Top 5 Most Played" games on the service. A Sam & Max episode has almost always been on there since the season started. What does that mean, if anything? Well, it can't be bad.

Update: The short is now on Telltale's site as well. Telltale has also updated their blog with a writeup about the shorts, revealing that the latest was written by Steve Purcell himself.