
A mini site has been set up by Ben, webmaster of The Kickstand. The site is to help people with a well publicised part of EMI - Monkey Kombat.
There is a quiz thats needs to be passed before you can gain entry, to ensure only folks who've reached that far in the game can peek at the site.
A song entitled Monkey Kombat is also available from this site, or if not, The Kickstand.

Escape From Monkey Island has debuted on the Top Twenty list as number 17 on NPD TRSTS Reports for the week of 11/5/00 courtesy of Very impressive for such a 'niche' market, eh? Hopefully this will send a message to LEC, we want more Adventures!

Source: Adventure Gamer


I forgot to mention that there was a substantial EMI Game Guide at - We ourselves are looking for someone to write such a guide. I have a half finished design for it. Any takers?

update: i made an amazingly embarrasing error in this post. Apologies!
ourselves - areselves DOH!!

LucasFans has posted a litttle program enititled "The Dig Music player". The program was sent to LF by "Lonely Hawk", it works on Win32 and playsmusic directly from The Dig game CD. This proggy Can't extract it though.

For more Dig goings on head over to The DIG @

Four new EMI reviews have popped up at Game Revolution , GameSpy , GamingAge , and GameZone . There is also an interview with Guybrush (not dom, guybrush) at GameSpy .
Here's a bit:

GameSpy: What's married life like? Do you miss the freedom?

Guybrush: Are any of us are ever truly free, Bob? Don't you feel as though some powerful, unseen hand is controlling your actions? I know I do?

In time for the British release of Escape from Monkey Island tomorrow, the Mixnmojo staff have put together a "first impressions" review feature of their initial thoughts after playing the first half of the game. Also checkout several favorite hand-picked screenshots taken from the full version. To view the feature, just click on the new feature button at the top or follow this link.

Of course, since this is a review there are some "spoiler screens" which can only be seen if you chose to. There aren't spoilers in the impressions themselves, of course!


according to The Scumm BarThe Norwegian release date of EMI has unfortunately been slightly delayed. Escape from Monkey Island, which was originally set to be released tomorrow - 17th of November, has now been delayed until the 22nd of November.

UK release still set for tomorrow.. I even saw it in town today. Same box etc as the US version.

Source: Emma


If you haven't got EMI yet and want it, I suggest buying it from where you get EMI and Grim Fandango together for for $39.99. (US Only) Amazon UK hasn't got a deal as great, but is selling it pre-order for ?27.99.

Looks like I got a bit carried away with my birthday and EMI to post any news. Okay, here goes:

The release date rumor seems to have originated form PCGamer UK, and nobody else seems to agree, so I'm still assuming the 17th is the time to celebrate. This month's PCGamer UK, by the way, has a copy of the EMI demo on, and reviews the game inside. They rated it 93% --a great score.
"This is the title to remind everyone just how good adventure gaming can be."
"Huge, hilarious, and original"
"This is the funniest game you'll ever play."
"Adventure Gaming at it's peak"
"This is why the adventure genre was invented"

Another EMI review is up at Gamecenter who give the game a perfect score of 10/10. The review is 3 pages of praise, with a history of the game included.

Finally; there is a nice long review on the Clearly Unofficial EMI site with no spoilers guaranteed. Check 'em all out, folks.

I have recieved a few mails from worried Britains who have heard rumours that the UK release date for EMI has been pushed back to the 24th. I can do nothing to confirm or deny this rumour at the moment, but I will investigate the matter futher.

I spent some time with part of EMI now and these 'in-jokes' are a continuation of the ones posted yesterday. Highlight the text to read, click the pics to see! Fiddle with the file-retrieval system in dead eye Dave's shop to find appearances from EMI producers, Star Wars characters and The Prophet from DUNE.

Another Interview with Dominic Armato has cropped up at Domic Armato is the talented voice actor of Guybrush Threepwood (as everybody knows by now.. i wonder how many time i've explainded that..?) in the recently released Escape from Monkey Island - and Curse of MI. The theme of the interview is aimed to capture the working enviroment of an actor working with an adventure company. Have you ever suggested changing something Guybrush says?

Dom: On a few occasions, but in general we try to stick to the script as much as possible. It's a real pain for the folks on the other end when we arbitrarily change lines, so we'll only do alternates if some line just really isn't working for some reason, or if we have a particularly brilliant inspiration. For the most part, though, this isn't an issue. LEC's writers tend to be awfully good :-)
You can read the
Interview here.

Ok we wont be posting all the eggs here, (as there are many many many!) just a few, and this one is one of those few. as before highlight the text below for a description - and the picture will reveal all!
[This egg is in Act 1]

using the correct code on the File Retrieval system in the Palace of Prostheses,brings up Mannuell J Calavera 's (GrimFandango star) file!

Thanks goes to TheAmazingXemo for that in-joke
Update: I've actualy found a whole bunch more of these, and so has ZeroXcape, ill post them asap

There are a few new reviews about the place, the first at This review is short and sweet, it uses no new screenshots or mention of any new scenes, so you can be sure to read it without spoiling the game. VideoGamerGuy rated EMI a 9/10, controls and graphics letting the game down. (I bet they weren't using FSAA, cause the graphics are sooooo nice with that on)

The 2nd review is from IGN, this review seems to be slightly longer, and may have a few screenshots that players might not want to see, although they are all from the 1st act. IGN rate EMI 8.7 /10
What EFMI ends up feeling like is a highly honed episode of your favorite show. Old characters reappear, relationships are fleshed out in even more humorous detail, and old locations are brought back for your joy and giggles. While the glitches are definitely frustrating, and the polish is lacking at times, overall this is a welcome return to the eeps and oops of your childhood.

Our reviews will be up soon, I'm going to get each member of our team to review it, so you'll get a wider range of opinions. Soon come!

Now all your EMI File extraction needs can be met! a program on that acts rather like ScummRev will extract, video, images etc etc etc. Enjoy this great tool!

Nicholas DePetrillo was kind enough to send us the very first reported EMI easter egg (yes it does involve starwars). As it is a spoiler you'll have to highlight the text below to get a description:
This pic taken in the swamp has an Xwing in the background! cool huh?

I love this egg:) click on the image below to see the pic for yourself

News reaches me that are now taking UK orders of the game. Priced at ?27.99 you can pre-order it now and get it on the day of release (17th Nov) The game is high in their sales charts right now, push it higher, show LEC How much we love this game!

Our friends at Adventure Gamer recently interviewed Mike Stemmle and Sean Clark. For those of you living under a rock for the last 6 months or so, Stemmle and Clark are the team leads on EMI :). It's a pretty funny interview, I suggest you read it!
In your opinion, what makes Monkey Island 4 this year's best adventure game?
Monkeys. Monkeys are funnier than elves in tights. Of course, being the ONLY adventure game might actually be the clincher...

Daily Radar has posted their review of EMI, giving it a "Direct Hit" rating (which means they thought it was very good). Here's a random bit from the review:
It helps that Threepwood has a horde of amusing replies when you try to perform an activity without success. Indeed, we spent a fair amount of time deliberately choosing the wrong conversational reply or attempting to use objects where they couldn't possibly work just to hear the comments.

So it's time to celebrate the release, and do we have anything exciting to post in good cheer? no. We will however have a a BIG feature on EMI coming soon, you'll love it. Ill try and get that up by the british release date, which is obviously a far more important date... =P

Ok well i was lying about not having anything to add, we have added an additional forum. The MI posting board, EMI edition, is where you will post about EMI. any messages in the non EMI edition board that we consider to be spoilers will be removed immediatley.
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