
Another Egg 09 Nov, 2000, 19:07 / 1 comments

Ok we wont be posting all the eggs here, (as there are many many many!) just a few, and this one is one of those few. as before highlight the text below for a description - and the picture will reveal all!
[This egg is in Act 1]

using the correct code on the File Retrieval system in the Palace of Prostheses,brings up Mannuell J Calavera 's (GrimFandango star) file!

Thanks goes to TheAmazingXemo for that in-joke
Update: I've actualy found a whole bunch more of these, and so has ZeroXcape, ill post them asap

1 Comment

  • scabbisland on 11 Nov, 2000, 19:20…
    Why are they called Easter eggs? Shouldnt it be post halloween pre-xmas eggs?