
In-Jokes Cont'd... 10 Nov, 2000 / Comments: 5

I spent some time with part of EMI now and these 'in-jokes' are a continuation of the ones posted yesterday. Highlight the text to read, click the pics to see! Fiddle with the file-retrieval system in dead eye Dave's shop to find appearances from EMI producers, Star Wars characters and The Prophet from DUNE.


  • Scumm on 14 Nov, 2000, 04:09…
    ooh.. i found a few, manuel j calavera is pumpkin, pumpkin, bunny i belive, and im sure its possible to get Henry J Jones, but i forget the combo, i'll check later
  • Captain Crunch on 13 Nov, 2000, 06:11…
    tell me when there are more spoilers to cluck.
  • spaff on 12 Nov, 2000, 13:07…
    i said that on purpose... its a saying around here... well it is now:)
  • scabbisland on 11 Nov, 2000, 19:33…
    'cluck the pics' Just pointing that out Spaff.
  • scabbisland on 11 Nov, 2000, 18:07…
    Yu hav mayde a speling errorr Spaf Carnt yu spel proparely or sumfink?