
Some EMI Reviews 09 Nov, 2000, 16:17 / 0 comments

There are a few new reviews about the place, the first at This review is short and sweet, it uses no new screenshots or mention of any new scenes, so you can be sure to read it without spoiling the game. VideoGamerGuy rated EMI a 9/10, controls and graphics letting the game down. (I bet they weren't using FSAA, cause the graphics are sooooo nice with that on)

The 2nd review is from IGN, this review seems to be slightly longer, and may have a few screenshots that players might not want to see, although they are all from the 1st act. IGN rate EMI 8.7 /10
What EFMI ends up feeling like is a highly honed episode of your favorite show. Old characters reappear, relationships are fleshed out in even more humorous detail, and old locations are brought back for your joy and giggles. While the glitches are definitely frustrating, and the polish is lacking at times, overall this is a welcome return to the eeps and oops of your childhood.

Our reviews will be up soon, I'm going to get each member of our team to review it, so you'll get a wider range of opinions. Soon come!