Hey, it only took us, what? Half a year or so to release the second episode of our People With Unrelated Accents series. This time, join Jason, Remi, and Zaarin alongside podcast O.G., elTee, as we discuss Loom, without really knowing a whole lot about it. At all.
Is it any good? Who knows?! I haven't listened to it, but Zaarin had to spend months massaging it into a listenable state, so how bad could it really be? Check out the MP3 or FLAC file, or subscribe, like a good person would do:
Thimbleweed Park will be 100% FREE from Epic Games between 21 Feb - 7 March through their new Steam/GOG Galaxy competitor application, which either isn't named or I got bored and couldn't be bothered investigating.
In short, if you haven't got it yet, don't send any money now!
Wait a week and grab it for free! (After you download the app and setup yet another account with a gaming service)
Enjoyed the podcast - lots of good trivia. I've never actually played much of Loom beyond the first few minutes, but I've got both versions, so I'll have to get around to that.
And thanks AlfredJ for the tip about the Monkey Island demo - had never heard it was different - I gave it a go in Scummvm - some good extra jokes to be found!
Mojo does what Idle Thumbs don't.
broken links already? :P
i mean the ones provided here not redirecting correctly unlike the ones on the top of the page
Thanks! Managed to download it this way.
This was fun guys. About Mike Stemmle's early days: Besides being a tester, I'm pretty sure he wrote/designed the original demo for Monkey Island 1 (and maybe some of the other titles as well). The one where you walk around town, and all the characters are in other places and have unique dialogue compared to the actual game. I'm not 100% sure since it's been a while since my obsessive journeys in trivia-land, but I feel like that was him.
Future podcast requests: Zak Mckracken, Mata Hari, Yoda Stories. Or maybe a deep dive in some of the adventure games that were never made, like the Young Indy game.
It's good to have you guys back. Mojo does what Idle Thumbs don't.
broken links already? :P
i mean the ones provided here not redirecting correctly unlike the ones on the top of the page