
Sandercock’s GDC Speech Now in Video Format 16 Apr, 2023 / 3 comments

Mojo asked and GDC answered: Jenn Sandercock’s ReMI has made its way online. And to save you the click, here it is.

I haven’t had the chance to watch it yet, but will very much carve out the hour to do so ASAP. As should you—what else do you really have going on if you’re reading this?

Update: After clearly exceeding their streaming limits from hoards of Mojo views, the embedded video looks to have been blocked from outside GDC’s site. So, go view it there.



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    Sushi on 17 Apr, 2023, 21:50…

    no need to beg or kill

    Awesome talk by Jenn, by the way
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    Remi on 17 Apr, 2023, 19:03…


    Thanks, it‘s cool that Mojo managed to dig this treasure chest out. Now, maybe Mojo could also ask for this video?

    Or would that be too greedy now? ;-)

    I’d literally-ish kill for that one.
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    LGH on 17 Apr, 2023, 18:56…
    Thanks, it‘s cool that Mojo managed to dig this treasure chest out. Now, maybe Mojo could also ask for this video?

    Or would that be too greedy now? ;-)

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