As we approach the one-year anniversary of the best Aprils non-fools schtick in recent memory, we’re seeing some more “lessons learned”-type information making its way to the public. Take producer Jenn Sandercock’s recent GDC talk, The Production Secrets of 'Return to Monkey Island', from which you can download the presentation deck. I haven’t read it myself, but couldn’t help but notice this tidbit while skimming through it.

According to one David Fox, Return’s musicians also held a talk called Thirty Years Later: Scoring 'Return to Monkey Island'. We haven’t gotten our grubby hands or eyes on that one yet—if you can help us track it down, we’ll pay in hugs and love. Not a bad little soundtrack, that.
- Ronzo doesn't call himself, well, Ronzo on Slack.
- No searching niche fan websites "when logged in"? This suggests the clues were out there, guys - you just need to up your surveillance game. Of course, she's probably talking about Just Adventure.
The whole presentation makes a good advert for Notion, which I hadn't seen before, but I can appreciate that any collaboration software is only as good as the way you use it.
Hoping we can crack open the GDC video vault and see the whole thing eventually!