Did you enjoy Mixnmojo's cautious preview of Full Throttle: Hell on Wheels from our E3 2003 coverage, but wish you could have been there in person? Well, some footage from that very booth has made it into the wild, so now you can do the next best thing. As an added bonus, you get celebrity developers Malena Annable and Dan Connors hanging around the sides of the frame for some reason:
The uploader is the same archeologist who brought you leaked cutscene footage from the rarely-lamented game this past summer. I'm not entirely sure I understand where this was sourced from, although he attempts to contextualize it in his video description.

Only Father Torque knows what he means by that last statement, but maybe we somehow haven't heard the last of Full Throttle II. For now, enjoy the latest discovery -- ideally with a slice street pizza.
Thanks to forumgoer Radogol for bringing this to our attention.
Heh, Game Kings was a Dutch tv show, Power Unlimited a Dutch game magazine. That's why they're speaking Dutch in that clip I actually used to work with some of those guys (sort of) way back in the day. I still know some of them, I might ask around to see if there are some other hidden treasures.
Finally, after all these years I might have some useful connections!
hey i think I've read somewhere that "Kevin Schmitt" does have a dvd of the game
Finally, after all these years I might have some useful connections!